Acronym | Definition |
PARC | Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox) |
PARC | Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation |
PARC | Parking Access and Revenue Control |
PARC | Palo Alto Research Center |
PARC | per Antenna Rate Control |
PARC | Purchased and Rented Computers |
PARC | Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction |
PARC | Pakistan Agricultural Research Council |
PARC | Prison Activist Resource Center (Berkeley, CA) |
PARC | Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (Palestine) |
PARC | Police Assessment Resource Center |
PARC | Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting |
PARC | Pinellas Association for Retarded Children |
PARC | Parks and Recreation Commission |
PARC | Program on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts (Syracuse University) |
PARC | Pacific Alaska Range Complex |
PARC | Public Access Resource Center |
PARC | Palomar Amateur Radio Club |
PARC | Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment Corporation |
PARC | Pesticide Analytical and Response Center (Oregon Department of Human Services) |
PARC | Population Aging Research Center (Pennsylvania) |
PARC | Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens |
PARC | Parkdale Activity and Recreation Centre |
PARC | Performance-based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee (Federal Aviation Adiministration) |
PARC | Portland Amateur Radio Club |
PARC | Per-Antenna Rate Control |
PARC | Peripheral Atherosclerosis Research Consortium |
PARC | Portland Area Radio Council (Oregon) |
PARC | Public Administration Research and Consultation Center |
PARC | Premium Asset Recovery Corporation (Deerfield Beach, FL) |
PARC | Pan American Racquetball Confederation |
PARC | People Against the River Crossing (UK) |
PARC | Pililaau Army Recreation Center |
PARC | Planning and Review Committee |
PARC | Polycyclic Aromatic Ring Cleavage |
PARC | Pacific AIDS Research Center (Vancouver, BC Canada) |
PARC | Ponthieu Auto Retro Club (French automobile club) |
PARC | Protected Area for Resource Conservation (Vietnam) |
PARC | Principal Advisor Responsible Contractor |
PARC | Physical Activity and Recreation Center (Nortel; Canada) |
PARC | Plans And Requirements Committee |
PARC | Progressive Aircraft Reconditioning Cycle |
PARC | Pacific Asia Resources Centre |