OSBOriented Strand Board
OSBOracle Service Bus
OSBOregon State Bar (Lake Oswego, Oregon)
OSBOffice of State Budget (various locations)
OSBOld Saybrook (Amtrak station code; Old Saybrook, CT)
OSBOlayan School of Business (American University; Lebanon)
OSBOrder of Saint Benedict
OSBOpen Source Blog
OSBOpen Speech Browser
OSBOperations Software Branch
OSBOracle Secure Backup
OSBOff Site Branch
OSBOem for System Builder
OSBOffice of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (Canada)
OSBOsama Bin Laden
OSBOtentikk Street Brothers (musicians)
OSBOne Step Beyond
OSBOrdinis Sancti Benedicti (of the order of St Benedict)
OSBOrquestra Sinfônica Brasileira (Portugese)
OSBOverbrook School for the Blind (Philadelphia, PA)
OSBOrthodox Study Bible
OSBOnline Services Business (Microsoft business segment)
OSBOffice Shortcut Bar (Microsoft Office)
OSBOffice of Surveillance and Biometrics (Center for Devices and Radiological Health; US FDA)
OSBOffset Spoke Bed (bicycle wheels)
OSBOperations Support Building
OSBOptimization and Systems Biology (Symposium)
OSBOfficer Selection Battery
OSBOregon Symphonic Band (Portland, OR)
OSBOperations Support Branch
OSBOptimal Spectrum Balancing
OSBOutput Signal Balance
OSBOne Shot Battery
OSBOther Sports Beckon
OSBOpenSG Binary (a 3D file format/extension)
OSBOverseas Service Bar
OSBOperational Stations Book
OSBOfficer Selection Brief
OSBOld School Books
OSBOriginally Signed By
OSBOperation Shoe Box
OSBOberes Seitenband (German: upper sideband)
OSBOption Select Button
OSBOperation Stations Book
OSBOriental Satellite Broadcasting
OSBOperational Service Bulletin
OSBOpenshop Business
OSBOrder of Shepherds of Bethlehem
OSBOfficial Sealed Bid (Wisconsin state procurement)
OSBOver-Determined Sub-Band
OSBOrtssippenbuch, Familienbuch or Ortsfamilienbuch (German)