Acronym | Definition |
OMD | Organisation Mondiale des Douanes (French: World Customs Organization; Brussels, Belgium) |
OMD | Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (French) |
OMD | Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (UK band; also seen as OMITD) |
OMD | One More Day |
OMD | Optical Master Disk |
OMD | Optical Magnetic Disk |
OMD | Ozark Mountain Daredevils (band) |
OMD | On-line Medical Dictionary |
OMD | Office of Mobile Design (Jennifer Siegal company) |
OMD | Oriental Medicine Doctor |
OMD | Organic Materials and Devices |
OMD | Oh My Darling |
OMD | Organization Management and Development (various organizations) |
OMD | Oriental Medical Doctor |
OMD | Oromandibular Dystonia |
OMD | Otsuka Medical Devices (est. 2011) |
OMD | Of Mexican Descent (hip hop) |
OMD | Optical Modulation Depth (telecommunications) |
OMD | Office of Managing Director |
OMD | Operations and Maintenance Documentation (US NASA) |
OMD | Objetivos del Milenio Para El Desarrollo (Millenium Development Goals) |
OMD | Outdoor Management Development |
OMD | Oh My Days |
OMD | Ohio-Meadville District |
OMD | Online Music Distribution |
OMD | Orders, Medals and Decorations (military collectibles) |
OMD | Oculomotor Dysfunction (vision deficiency) |
OMD | Occupied Multiple Dwelling (firefighting) |
OMD | Operations Maintenance Division |
OMD | Oh My Darwin |
OMD | Online Membership Database |
OMD | Oh My Damn |
OMD | Overriding Method Deletion |
OMD | Optimum Media Directions |
OMD | Off My Desk |
OMD | Optimum Multiuser Detector |
OMD | Optimizing Management Decision |
OMD | Ocean Movement Development |
OMD | Object Model Document (modeling and simulation) |
OMD | Oh Mi Dios |
OMD | Order Management Department (various organizations) |
OMD | Oh My Dragon (dragon fan slang) |
OMD | Office of Manpower Development |