PSIDPanel Study of Income Dynamics
PSIDPost Script Image Data
PSIDProduct Set Identification
PSIDPrivate System Id
PSIDPublished Subject Identifier
PSIDPanel Study on Income Dynamics
PSIDPounds per Square Inch Differential
PSIDPlaySID (format for Commodore 64 music)
PSIDPhoton Stimulated Ion Desorption
PSIDProduct Support Integration Directorate
PSIDPayment Slip Identifier (Pakistan)
PSIDPrivate System Identification
PSIDPreliminary Safety Information Document
PSIDPatrol Seismic Intrusion Detector
PSIDPreferred Supplier Inspection Delegation (Boeing)
PSIDpointer to security identifier
PSIDPersons with Disabilities' Self-Initiative to Development
PSIDPersons with Disabilities Self-Initiative to Development (Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity)
PSIDPhillip Sides Interior Design (Santa Rosa Beach FL)
PSIDPublic Safety Identification
PSIDPlatoon Seismic Intrusion Device