PGCPennsylvania Game Commission
PGCPlan General de Contabilidad (Spanish)
PGCProgram Chain (DVD standards)
PGCPsychiatric Genomics Consortium
PGCPaul Gauguin Cruises (Bellevue, WA)
PGCPromotion Graphics Council
PGCProgram Chain
PGCPseudo Gray Coding
PGCProfessional Graphics Card
PGCPower Grid Corporation (India)
PGCPrince George's County (Maryland)
PGCPrimordial Germ Cells (embryology)
PGCPlant Growth Chamber
PGCPublic Governance Committee (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
PGCPotassium Gold Cyanide
PGCProcess Gas Chromatography
PGCPlan Général de Coordination (French: General Coordination Plan)
PGCPost Graduate Certificate
PGCProtecting God's Children
PGCPublic Grievances Commission (India)
PGCProduits de Grande Consommation (French: consumer products)
PGCPersian Gulf Command (est. 1943)
PGCPoint Guard College (Sugar Land, TX)
PGCPlaywrights Guild of Canada (formerly Playwrights Union of Canada)
PGCPublic Gas Corporation
PGCProfessional Graphics Controller
PGCPlantation Golf Club (various locations)
PGCProcess Gas Consumers Group
PGCPoplar Golf Course (San Mateo, CA)
PGCPostgraduate Conference
PGCPlant Genome Center (Japan)
PGCPrincipal Galaxies Catalogue
PGCPrivacy Guidelines Committee (US FEMA)
PGCPlanned Giving Council (various organizations)
PGCPeer Group Consulting (Round Rock, TX)
PGCPat Graney Company (dance; Seattle, WA)
PGCPartido de Gran Canaria
PGCPurchased Gas Charge
PGCProcess Gas Compressor
PGCPetersburg, West Virginia (airport code)
PGCPlanet Game Cube (website)
PGCParnell Gentlemen's Club
PGCProgram Generation Center
PGCPenn Glee Club (University of Pennsylvania) (gaming portal/club; Philippines)
PGCProcurement Group Code
PGCProvisional Governing Council (Iraq)
PGCPolicy Guidance Council
PGCPandanusa Golf Club (Malaysia)
PGCPort Group Controller (Telabs)
PGCPhilippine Gaming Community
PGCPC Gamers Club
PGCPre Game Chat (gaming)
PGCPolicia General de Trafico (Spanish: General Traffic Police)
PGCPasadena Gun Center (Pasadena, TX)