PBTProvider Backbone Transport (networking technology adding determinism to ethernet)
PBTPolybutylene Terephthalate
PBTPermian Basin Royalty Trust (Bank of America)
PBTProfit Before Tax
PBTPemberton (Amtrak station code; Pemberton, British Columbia, Canada)
PBTPaper Based Test (education)
PBTPediatric Brain Tumor
PBTPro Basketball Talk (National Broadcasting Company)
PBTPush Button Technology
PBTProfiler Binary Table
PBTProvider Backbone Transport
PBTPreliminary Breath Test(ing)
PBTPersistent Bioaccumulative Toxic (chemical)
PBTPittsburgh Ballet Theatre (Pennsylvania)
PBTPowder Blue Tang (fish)
PBTProblem Behavior Theory (psychology)
PBTPhlebotomy Technician
PBTPlan B Technologies (Bowie, MD)
PBTPetroleum Business Tax (New York)
PBTPacific Business Trust (New Zealand)
PBTPit Bull Terrier
PBTProton Beam Therapy
PBTParentage Based Tagging
PBTPersonal Best Time (sports)
PBTPush Button Telephone
PBTPerformance-Based Training
PBTPortable Breath Tester
PBTPayback Time
PBTPhiladelphia Business Today (Philadelphia, PA)
PBTPiebald Trait (Piebaldism)
PBTPlate Brake Tester (equipment)
PBTPassenger Booking Total (airline)
PBTPeanut Butter Time
PBTPulsing Bladeturn (gaming)
PBTPebete (Argentina, sandwich type)
PBTprostate brachytherapy
PBTPeterborough Bus Times (UK)
PBTPeribronchial Thickening (radiology)
PBTPay by Transaction (United Kingdom)
PBTPolyclinique Bordeaux Tondu (French private clinic; est. 1914; Bordeaux, France)
PBTPresaturation Bolus Tracking