SELService Engine Light (vehicles)
SELSchweitzer Engineering Laboratories
SELServices en Ligne (French: Online Services; various organizations)
SELSocial and Emotional Learning
SELShankar-Ehsaan-Loy (Indian musical trio)
SELShelf Edge Label
SELSony Electronics
SELSystème d'Echange Local (French: Local Exchange System)
SELSecurity in E-Learning
SELSociété d'Exercice Libéral (French: Private Practice Company; business provision)
SELSenior Enlisted Leader (US Navy)
SELSocket Export Layer
SELSecurity Enhanced Linux
SELString Expression Language
SELSystem Event Log
SELSingle Event Latchup
SELSoftware Emulation Layer
SELScience & Engineering Library (various schools)
SELSemiconductor Energy Laboratory (Japan)
SELStandard Equipment List (various organizations)
SELSystem Event Log (Intel)
SELSwedish Elite League (hockey)
SELSound Exposure Level
SELSynergy Engineering Ltd. (Canada)
SELSoftware Engineering Laboratory
SELService d'Entraide et de Liaison (French: Mutual Aid Service Link)
SELSelian (linguistics)
SELSuzlon Energy Limited
SELSurface Emitting Laser
SELSuministros Electrónicos (Spanish: Electronic Supplies)
SELSport Edition Limited (automobiles)
SELSingle-Event Latchup (of electronic circuits in space)
SELSingle Engine Land (FAA pilot rating)
SELScience Education Laboratory (various locations)
SELSpace Environment Laboratory
SELSerial Experiments Lain (anime)
SELScottish Enterprise Lanarkshire (economic development agency; UK)
SELSocioeconomic Level
SELState Executive Law (New York)
SELSize Exclusion Limit ( cytology)
SELSystems Engineering Laboratories
SELSystème d'Etanchéité Liquide (French: Liquid Waterproofing System)
SELSafety Engineering Laboratory (Los Gatos, CA)
SELSchool of Engineering and Logistics
SELSerbia Esperanto-Ligo (Serbian Esperanto Association)
SELSeoul, South Korea - Kimpo International (Airport Code)
SELSolid End Link (jewelry)
SELScientologie Espace Librairie (Scientology bookstore, France)
SELStandard Elektronik Lorenz AG (Stuttgart, Germany)
SELSafety, Enjoyment, Learning (education)
SELSecondary Epidermal Lamellae
SELSpace Environmental Monitor
SELSpecial Equipment List
SELSwedish Eliteserien
SELSignal Engineering Laboratories
SELSATCOM Engineering Labs
SELSafetech Environmental Ltd. (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)
SELSkin-Effect Limit (microstrip lines)
SELSelected Environmental Library
SELSystem Effectiveness Level
SELSupport/Selected Equipment List
SELSystème d'Evaluation de Logement (French: Housing Evaluation System; Switzerland)