Acronym | Definition |
ALR | Alliance for Lupus Research (New York City) |
ALR | American Law Reports (analysis legal issues) |
ALR | American Legion Riders |
ALR | Automatic Locking Retractor (seat belts) |
ALR | Assisted Living Residence |
ALR | Agricultural Land Reserve (Canada) |
ALR | Administrative License Revocation |
ALR | Address Low Register |
ALR | Advanced Logical Research |
ALR | Automatic Locking Retractor |
ALR | Access List Rule |
ALR | Acceptable Level of Risk (US Air Force) |
ALR | Adaptive Link Rate (green communications) |
ALR | Art Loss Register |
ALR | Analgesia |
ALR | Australian Law Reports (University of Tasmania Library) |
ALR | Assignment of Leases and Rents |
ALR | American Law Review |
ALR | Adam LaRoche (baseball player) |
ALR | Australian Literary Review |
ALR | Action Leakage Rate (annual average atmospheric dispersion factor) |
ALR | Allgemeines Landrecht (Prussian civil code) |
ALR | adiabatic lapse rate |
ALR | Automated Lab Reactor (equipment) |
ALR | Aciéries et Laminoirs de Rives (French steel manufacturer; Rives, France) |
ALR | Advanced Launch System |
ALR | Artillery Locating Radar |
ALR | Active Life Reserves (insurance) |
ALR | Amicale Laïque de Redon (French sports association; Redon, France) |
ALR | Allergenic Effects |
ALR | Application Location Register (Sprint) |
ALR | Association Lyonnaise de Radioamateurs (French amateur radio club; Lyon, France) |
ALR | Airlift-Loop Reactor |
ALR | Aircraft Load Rating (aviation) |
ALR | Advanced Logic Research, Incorporated |
ALR | Alternate Link Routing |
ALR | Acceptable Loss Rate |
ALR | Administrative Letter Report |
ALR | Associated Lighting Representatives, Inc (Oakland, CA) |
ALR | Automated Legal Research |
ALR | Association des Loisirs de Rogerville (French: Rogerville Recreation Association) |
ALR | Academy Law Review |
ALR | Agents Loss Reporting |
ALR | Application-level Requirement |
ALR | Automatic Laser Restart |
ALR | Application Layer Relay (ANSI) |
ALR | Automated Literature Request System (Sprint) |
ALR | Automatic Lightpath Restoration (Lucent) |
ALR | Airborne Laser Range Finder |
ALR | Allowable Level of Risk |
ALR | Augusto Luis Ralha |