ALSAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
ALSAdvanced Life Support
ALSAdvanced Light Source
ALSAuld Lang Syne
ALSAstrid-Lindgren-Schule (German school)
ALSAlternative Lifestyle
ALSAirborne Laser Scanning (remote sensing)
ALSAsian Language Support (extended characters)
ALSAmerican Littoral Society
ALSAdvanced Life Skills (various organizations)
ALSA Love Supreme (Sunderland AFC fanzine)
ALSAmyotrofische Laterale Sclerose (neurological disease)
ALSAmbient Light Sensor
ALSAnnoying Little Sister
ALSAcid-Labile Subunit (protein)
ALSArtificial Lift System (various companies)
ALSAssistive Listening System
ALSAlbany Law School (Albany, NY)
ALSAlerting Service
ALSAustralian Literary Studies (est. 1963; journal)
ALSAdministrative License Suspension
ALSApplied Language Solutions (various locations)
ALSAgglutinin-Like Sequence (biology)
ALSAlliance Laundry Systems (Wisconsin)
ALSAvance Logic Sound
ALSanti Lag System
ALSActive Line State
ALSAutomatic Line Selection
ALSAlternate Line Service
ALSAdvanced Login System
ALSAdjacent Link Station
ALSActive Link System
ALSActive Light System
ALSAirman Leadership School
ALSArchives and Local Studies (UK)
ALSAirworthiness Limitations Section (aviation)
ALSAcademic Learning Support (various organizations)
ALSAdaptive Living Skills
ALSAtlanta Linux Showcase
ALSAntar Lintas Sumatera (Indonesian bus operator)
ALSAcademic Library Survey (various organizations)
ALSAdvanced Labelling Systems Ltd. (UK)
ALSAllocation de Logement à Caractère Social (French: Allocation of Social Housing; student housing)
ALSAustralian Literature Society (now Association for the Study of Australian Literature)
ALSAirlift Squadron (USAF)
ALSAdvance Legislative Service (LexisNexis)
ALSAllocation de Logement Social (French: housing allowance)
ALSAir, Land and Sea
ALSAdult Learning Service (PBS)
ALSApproach Light System
ALSAlternate Light Source
ALSAlternate Line Service (GSM mulitple line feature)
ALSAutographed Letter Signed
ALSAll Ladies Shaved
ALSAdvanced Launch System
ALSAnti-Lag System (turbocharged race cars)
ALSAge Left School (statistic)
ALSAngular Leaf Spot
ALSAutomatic Landing System
ALSAutomated Library System
ALSAutomatic Laser Shutdown (Alcatel)
ALSAcademic Learning Series
ALSAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of Canada
ALSAsset Liability Strategy (finance; various companies)
ALSAmerican Lumber Standards
ALSAutomated Lien System
ALSAurora Loan Services, Inc
ALSApplied Logic Systems
ALSAnalytical Laboratory System
ALSApplication Layer Structure
ALSAssociation of Lipspeakers
ALSAdjacent Link Station (IBM)
ALSAugmented Logistics Support
ALSAutomatic Linear Slide (Switch)
ALSAnti-Lymphocyte Serum
ALSAustralian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd
ALSAda Language System
ALSAdvanced Logistics System
ALSActual Loss Sustained
ALSAcquisition Logistics Support
ALSAdaptive Learning System
ALSAlexander Language Schools (London, England)
ALSAircrew Life Support
ALSAcadémie Lorraine des Sciences (French: Lorraine Academy of Sciences; formerly Society of Sciences in Nancy; Nancy, France)
ALSAmerican Lithotripsy Society
ALSAdvanced Loan System
ALSAlliance of Literary Societies
ALSAircraft Landing System
ALSAlamosa, CO, USA - Bergman Field (Airport Code)
ALSAutonomic Logistics System (aviation maintenance)
ALSActive Line State (Cisco)
ALSAdvanced Low-power Schottky Logic (family of logic integrated circuits)
ALSAirside and Landside (aviation)
ALSAssignment and Licensing System (Canada)
ALSAccident Localization System
ALSAutomated List Service
ALSAT&T Local Service
ALSArea Licensing System
ALSAceto Lactate Synthase
ALSAustralian Lifeguard Service (Surf Life Saving Australia)
ALSAmmunition Loading System
ALSAlternate Landing Site
ALSAchievement Levels Setting
ALSAccidental Limit States
ALSActive Laser Seeker
ALSArizona Learning System (community colleges, Phoenix, AZ)
ALSAirborne Link Segment
ALSAutonomous Listening Station
ALSAdvanced Laser System
ALSAmerican Lory Society
ALSAir Logistics Squadron
ALSAll Weather Landing System
ALSAuxiliary Lighter
ALSAdvanced Language Studies
ALSAsian Language Services
ALSAlternative Logistics Support
ALSAmeritech Library Systems
ALSAdvanced Landing System
ALSAir Logistics Service
ALSAsset Library System
ALSAlton and Southern Railway Company
ALSApplication Library Services
ALSAdvanced Leadership Series
ALSAnother Legacy System
ALSArchitecture Level Set (IBM mainframes)
ALSAzimuth Laying Set
ALSArchimedial Log Spiral
ALSAlaska Lepidoptera Survey
ALSAdvanced Land Systems (US Army)
ALSAlternate Landing Strip
ALSApplication-Level Simulation (network security)
ALSAuthorized Long Supply
ALSAiding the Light to Shine
ALSAlpha Language School (Japan)
ALSAirone Launch Services
ALSAmerican Light-wave System
ALSAthena Language School (Greece)