PSWPersonal Support Worker (Canada)
PSWPacific Southwest (various organizations)
PSWPost Study Work (immigration status)
PSWProgram Status Word
PSWPlastic Solid Waste (recycling)
PSWPsychiatric Social Worker
PSWProvincially Significant Wetland (Canada)
PSWProcessor Status Word
PSWPhiladelphia Suburban Water (Philadelphia, PA)
PSWPublic Service Week (various locations)
PSWPharmacy Society of Wisconsin
PSWPumpspeicherkraftwerk (German: Pumped Storage Power Plant)
PSWProtected Service Water (energy plants)
PSWPersistent State World (MMORPGs)
PSWPosition Switching (astronomical interferometry)
PSWParts Submission Warrant
PSWPositive Sharp Wave
PSWPipe Socket Weld (construction)
PSWPump, Sealant Water
PSWPlan Sponsor Workstation (investments)
PSWPeninsula Symphonic Winds (Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA)
PSWPeople Skills Workshop
PSWPeachtree Symphonic Winds (Atlanta, GA)
PSWPercentage of Share of Wealth
PSWParallel-coupled Single-defect Waveguide
PSWPart Supply Warranty
PSWProposal Scoring Worksheet
PSWPerformance Statement of Work (production management)