PLFProjet de Loi de Finances (French: Project Finance Law)
PLFPrincipal Limit Factor (mortgages)
PLFPenguin Liberation Front
PLFPacific Legal Foundation
PLFPerdana Leadership Foundation (Malaysia)
PLFPremium Large Format (screens)
PLFPretty Little Flower (band)
PLFPower Line Filter
PLFPalestine Liberation Front (terrorist group)
PLFPlant Load Factor
PLFPassenger Load Factor
PLFPer Lineal Foot (measurement)
PLFParachute Landing Fall
PLFPounds per Lineal Foot (stuctural engineering)
PLFPoor Little Fellow
PLFPayload Fairing (NASA)
PLFPrivate Label Fund (finance)
PLFPerilymphatic Fistula
PLFPublic Library Foundation
PLFParticipating Law Firms (LexUniversal)
PLFPosterior Lumbar Fusion (spine surgery)
PLFPre Fader Listening (audio technology)
PLFProjectile-Like Fragment
PLFPolarization Loss Factor (antennas)
PLFPoints of Light Foundation
PLFParty Liberation Front
PLFProgram Logic Formulation (software verification)
PLFPublic Land Foundation
PLFPrior Level of Function
PLFPathetic Little Freak
PLFPredictive Likelihood Function
PLFPractice Launch Failure (sailplane)
PLFPokelight Forums (online Pokémon community)