PLIPractising Law Institute
PLIPublic Liability Insurance (UK)
PLIPartido Liberal Independiente (Spanish: Independent Liberal Party; Nicaragua)
PLIPartito Liberale Italiano (Italian: Italian Liberal Party)
PLIProfessional Liability Insurance
PLIPower Line Interference
PLIProgramming Language Interface (Verilog programming language)
PLIPeripheral Link Interface
PLIproduct liability insurance
PLIProfit Level Indicator
PLIPublic Local Inquiry (Scotland, UK)
PLIPosition Location Information
PLIPrêt Locatif Intermédiaire (French: Intermediate Rental Loans)
PLIPanasonic Lighting Indonesia
PLIPublic Lands Institute (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
PLIPower Level Indicator
PLIPrivate Line Interface
PLIPDU Length Indicator
PLIPounds/Linear Inch
PLIPhysicians Liability Insurance (Oklahoma)
PLIPerson of Limited Intelligence
PLIPancreatic Lipase Immunoassay (blood test)
PLIProgrammation Logique Inductive (French)
PLIProjekt Lokal Idrottsutveckling (Sweden)
PLIPharmacists for Life International
PLIPlan de Localisation Informatique
PLIAeroperu - Empresa de Transportes Aereos del Peru (ICAO code)
PLIPresentation Level Integration (visually integrate with an applications user interface)
PLIPruned Log Index
PLIPower-Link Innovations (software solutions to the broadcast industry)
PLIPlanar-Lumped Inductor
PLIPre-Load Indicator/Indicating
PLIPilot Lot Inspection
PLIPilot Location Indicator
PLIPunch List Item