P&AProtection and Advocacy
P&AParts and Accessories
P&APersonnel & Administration
P&APrecision and Accuracy
P&APay and Allowances
P&APolyester and Accesoires
P&APlanning & Analysis
P&APromotion and Advertising
P&APlanning and Assessment (US FEMA)
P&APurchase and Assumption (transaction; FDIC)
P&APrice & Availability
P&APublicity and Advertising
P&APrints and Advertising
P&APunongbayan & Araullo (professional services firm; Philippines)
P&APlug and Abandon (oil well)
P&APrint and Apply (production line labeling)
P&AProcedure and Administration (US IRS)
P&APercussion and Auscultation
P&AProcesses & Applications
P&APeople and Arts (TV channel)
P&AProcedures and Arrangements (shipping)
P&APrivacy and Authentication
P&AProcurement and Assignment (US Navy)
P&APurchase & Accounts
P&APhenol and Alcohol
P&APrice and Availability Data
P&APerformance & Availability (software)
P&APresidents and Assholes (card game)
P&APriorities & Allocations
P&APropulsion and Auxiliaries
P&AProjects and Applications (various organizations)