Acronym | Definition |
OME | Office of the Medical Examiner (various locations) |
OME | Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine (Athens, OH) |
OME | Osteopathic Medical Education |
OME | Otitis Media with Effusion |
OME | Old Man Emu (suspension systems; Park City, UT) |
OME | Oil Mist Eliminator (filter; various companies) |
OME | Object Model Environment |
OME | Object Management Extension |
OME | Methoxy Group |
OME | Optical Multiservice Edge (Nortel) |
OME | Odyssey Marine Exploration |
OME | Open Microscopy Environment |
OME | Observatoire Mediterraneen de l'Energie |
OME | Office of Manpower Economics |
OME | Osaka Mercantile Exchange |
OME | Nome, AK, USA (Airport Code) |
OME | Oral Motor Exercises (used in speech pathology) |
OME | Ontario Ministry of the Environment (Canada) |
OME | Open Messaging Environment |
OME | Oh My Edward (movie/book Twilight) |
OME | Oh My Edward |
OME | Oh My Edward (Cullen) |
OME | Oh My Edward! |
OME | Office of Mediated Education (Kansas State University) |
OME | Open Market Edition |
OME | Order of Magnitude Estimate |
OME | Orbital Maneuvering Engine |
OME | Options Made Easy |
OME | Office of Minerals Exploration (US government) |
OME | Oh My Emmett |
OME | Optimal Manning Experiment (US Navy) |
OME | Operational Mission Environment |
OME | Offshore Marine Engineering (oil industry) |
OME | Original Manufacturer Equipment |
OME | Overall Machine Efficiency (paper production) |
OME | Operational Maneuver Element (US DoD) |
OME | Ocean Mountain Extreme (clothing label) |
OME | Office of Management Engineer |
OME | Oral Mechanism Examination (speech pathology) |