Acronym | Definition |
PIAF | Portail International Archivistique Francophone (French) |
PIAF | Perth International Arts Festival (Australia) |
PIAF | Pharmacological Intervention in Atrial Fibrillation |
PIAF | Pictures in A Flash |
PIAF | Pacific Islands Aids Foundation (Rarotonga, Cook Islands) |
PIAF | PHS Internet Access Forum |
PIAF | Policy Internships and Fellowships |
PIAF | Pour une Information Alternative, Forcément (Paris, France) |
PIAF | Parallel Interactive Analysis Facility |
PIAF | Policy Internships and Fellowships Program |
PIAF | Photographic Index of Australian Fishes |
PIAF | Portland Indy Animation Festival (Portland, Oregon) |
PIAF | Prototype Image Applications Fast |
PIAF | Programm für die Interfakultaere Ausbildung des Forschungsnachwuchses (German) |
PIAF | Private Investigators Association of Florida |
PIAF | Small Parameters in hard problems: Design, analysis, Implementation and Application of Fixed-paramater alogorithms |