PIBProducto Interno Bruto (Mexico)
PIBProduto Interno Bruto (Portugal)
PIBProduit Intérieur Brut (French: Gross Domestic Product)
PIBPoreski Identifikacioni Broj (Serbian: Tax Identification Number)
PIBProducto Interior Bruto (Spain)
PIBPetroleum Industry Bill (Nigeria)
PIBPress Information Bureau (Government of India)
PIBPartners for International Business (Netherlands)
PIBProcessor in A Box (AMD)
PIBPlug in Baby (Muse song)
PIBProdus Intern Brut (Romanian: Gross Domestic Product)
PIBPersonal Internet Banking (various companies)
PIBProcess Identification Block
PIBPci to Isa Bridge
PIBPolicy Information Bases
PIBProcessor in a Box
PIBPeta Binary Byte
PIBPittsburgh Compound B (biomarker for amyloid in Alzheimer's disease)
PIBPublishers' Information Bureau
PIBPut-In Bay (island)
PIBPebibyte (2^50 bytes)
PIBPower Interface Board (hardware)
PIBPalestine Investment Bank (Ramallah, Palestine)
PIBPolicy Information Base
PIBphysical-layer information base
PIBPork Industry Board (New Zealand)
PIBPersonal Internet Branch (online banking)
PIBPrimera Iglesia Bautista (Spanish: First Baptist Church; various locations)
PIBPublic Investment Board (India)
PIBPublic Information Book (investment banking resource)
PIBPermanent Injury Benefit (National Health Service; UK)
PIBProduct Introduction Bonus (marketing)
PIBPädagogisches Institut des Bundes (Vienna, Austria)
PIBPebibit (2^50 bits)
PIBPeachtree Industrial Boulevard (Georgia)
PIBPrinceton in Beijing
PIBPseudo Intelligenzia Basel (German: Pseudo Intelligentsia Basel; Basel, Switzerland)
PIBLaurel, MS, USA - Laurel Hattiesburg/Camp Shelby (Airport Code)
PIBPerhimpunan Indonesia Baru (political party)
PIBPapuan Infantry Battalion (World War II)
PIBPontificio Instituto Biblico
PIBPreflight Information Bulletin (aviation)
PIBPolytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (later Polytechnic Institute of New York)
PIBPerformance Indicator Benchmarking (software)
PIBPre-International Baccalaureate
PIBPerson in Black (a person of the Gothic subculture in western society)
PIBPotential Induced Breathing
PIBPyrotechnic Installation Building
PIBPolyhedral Inclusion Body
PIBPork Information Bureau
PIBPain in Butt
PIBProfessionisti Italiani a Boston (Italian professional networking group; Boston, MA)
PIBPerformance Improvement Board
PIBPersonal Information Base
PIBPractice Improvement Branch
PIBProduct Improvement Bulletin
PIBProduct Implementation Branch (NOAA)
PIBPolar Ionosphere Beacon
PIBProgram Information Briefing
PIBPress Information Bulletin
PIBParachute Infantry Battalion/Brigade
PIBPersonnel Information Briefing
PIBPulse Interference Blanker
PIBProcess Interface Building
PIBPropellant Inspection Building
PIBPrize Information Bureau (sweepstakes scam)
PIBProceeded Immediately By
PIBPimps in Black (parody)
PIBProject Integration Board
PIBProgram Improvement Board
PIBPost Industrial Bikers
PIBPlug into Business (blog)
PIBPride of Indy Band (Indianapolis, IN)
PIBPre-Installation Baseline
PIBPhoto Intelligence Brief
PIBParts Illustrated Breakdown (military parts ordering manuals showing all components)
PIBPacific Inland Tariff Bureau (Portland, Oregon)
PIBPreliminary Instruction Book
PIBPhase-Isolated Bus (electrical engineering)
PIBPager Interface Box (Motorola Mobility, Inc.)