Acronym | Definition |
SODA | Symposium On Discrete Algorithms |
SODA | Software Design and Architecture (workshop) |
SODA | School of Dreams Academy (New Mexico) |
SODA | Site of the Day Award |
SODA | Simple Object Database Access (database query) |
SODA | Statement of Demonstrated Ability |
SODA | Students Opposed to Drugs and Alcohol |
SODA | Services Oriented Development of Applications |
SODA | Sygate On-Demand Agent |
SODA | Service-Oriented Development Architecture |
SODA | Seniors Out Drinking Again (various schools) |
SODA | Structural Optimization Design and Analysis |
SODA | Software Document Automation (Rational) |
SODA | Spacecraft Orbit Design and Analysis |
SODA | Statistical Outbreak Detection Algorithm |
SODA | Space Operations Directive Agreement (NASA) |
SODA | Stamp Out Dumb Acronyms :-) |
SODA | Sight Operational Data Acquisition |
SODA | System Optimization & Design Algorithm |
SODA | Sibling of Deaf Adult/American |
SODA | Society of Dramatic Arts (Lawrence Technological University; Southfield, MI) |
SODA | Start of Day Activity (education) |
SODA | Scheme of Delegated Authority (UK) |