SODASymposium On Discrete Algorithms
SODASoftware Design and Architecture (workshop)
SODASchool of Dreams Academy (New Mexico)
SODASite of the Day Award
SODASimple Object Database Access (database query)
SODAStatement of Demonstrated Ability
SODAStudents Opposed to Drugs and Alcohol
SODAServices Oriented Development of Applications
SODASygate On-Demand Agent
SODAService-Oriented Development Architecture
SODASeniors Out Drinking Again (various schools)
SODAStructural Optimization Design and Analysis
SODASoftware Document Automation (Rational)
SODASpacecraft Orbit Design and Analysis
SODAStatistical Outbreak Detection Algorithm
SODASpace Operations Directive Agreement (NASA)
SODAStamp Out Dumb Acronyms :-)
SODASight Operational Data Acquisition
SODASystem Optimization & Design Algorithm
SODASibling of Deaf Adult/American
SODASociety of Dramatic Arts (Lawrence Technological University; Southfield, MI)
SODAStart of Day Activity (education)
SODAScheme of Delegated Authority (UK)