Acronym | Definition |
TES | The Elder Scrolls (video game series) |
TES | Thermal Emission Spectrometer |
TES | Thermal Energy Storage |
TES | Tidal Enterprise Scheduler (software) |
TES | Teaching Every Student |
TES | Times Educational Supplement (publication) |
TES | Thermal Energy System (Restoration Drying Technology) |
TES | The Exchange Student |
TES | Tertiary Education Strategy (New Zealand) |
TES | Teacher Education Section (Ireland) |
TES | The Eminem Show (album) |
TES | Total Element Score (skating) |
TES | Threatened and Endangered Species |
TES | Terminal Emulation Service |
TES | Trusted End System |
TES | Tomahawk Elementary School (Virginia) |
TES | Transactions Electroniques Sécurisées (French: Secure Electronic Transactions) |
TES | Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer |
TES | The Event Source (various locations) |
TES | Transition-Edge Sensor |
TES | Technologies for E-Services (International Workshop) |
TES | The Employment Solution (staffing company; Canada) |
TES | N-Tris(Hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-Amino-Ethanesulfonic Acid |
TES | The Eulenspiegel Society (New York, NY) |
TES | Tactical Engagement Simulation |
TES | Tactical Exploitation System (Army) |
TES | Technology-Enabled Selling |
TES | Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation |
TES | Traffic Engineering Section (various locations) |
TES | Test for Espionage and Sabotage (polygraph testing) |
TES | Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation |
TES | Tanaka Electronics Singapore (various locations) |
TES | Tanzania Environmental Society (Tanzania) |
TES | Tactical Engagement System (Army) |
TES | Transportable Earth Station |
TES | Talent Elementary School (Oregon) |
TES | Tubular Exhaust System (Edelbrock) |
TES | Traveller Education Services (UK) |
TES | Total Entertainment System |
TES | Technical Enquiry Service (various organizations) |
TES | Telephony Earth Station |
TES | Tactical Event System |
TES | Technical Enforcement Support |
TES | Tokyo Electron Shanghai Ltd. (Japan and China) |
TES | Tailor Engineering Services (Jacksonville, FL) |
TES | Transfer Evaluation System (for US colleges) |
TES | Theater Event System |
TES | Test & Evaluation Squadron |
TES | Tableau d'Entrées-Sorties (French: Input-Output Table; accounting tool) |
TES | Time Entry System |
TES | Tactical Electronic Sniper (paintball) |
TES | Total Elastic Suspension |
TES | Tactical Electronic Surveillance |
TES | Thermoplastic Styrenic Elastomer |
TES | Telecommunication Equipment Safety |
TES | Toxicologie, Environnement, Santé (French: Toxicology, Environment, Health) |
TES | Tactical Engineering Support |
TES | TE Systems, Inc. |
TES | Telephone Emergency Services (support hotlines) |
TES | Token Exchange System |
TES | Timonium Elementary School (Timonium, MD) |
TES | Technical Enforcement Services |
TES | Test Execution Software |
TES | Time-End-Silence |
TES | Test & Evaluation Strategy |
TES | Terminal Earth Station |
TES | Trans European Banking Services |
TES | Thumb Educational Services (Michigan) |
TES | Tool Envy Syndrome (fictional condition) |
TES | Training Evaluation Summary |
TES | Technology Development and continuing through System Development and Demonstration into Production and Deployment (an early T&E planning document) |
TES | Tertiary Eocene Strata (geology) |
TES | Tugboat Enthusiasts Society of the Americas (Ipswich, MA) |
TES | Teacher Educational Supplement (resource; Ireland) |
TES | Tradewinds Engine Services, LLC |
TES | Transient Electromagnetic Scattering |
TES | Tactical EMIO (Expanded Maritime Interception Operations) System |