Acronym | Definition |
SAWS | San Antonio Water System (Texas) |
SAWS | Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring |
SAWS | Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme (UK) |
SAWS | South African Weather Service |
SAWS | Snowmobile Alliance of Western States (Renton, Washington) |
SAWS | Salla Allahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam (Arabic: May the Blessing and the Peace of Allah be upon him) |
SAWS | Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor |
SAWS | Squad Automatic Weapon System |
SAWS | Stand Alone Weather Sensors |
SAWS | Small Arms Weapons System |
SAWS | Silent Attack Warning System |
SAWS | Submarine Acoustic Warfare System |
SAWS | Sun Air Water Soil |
SAWS | Surveillance And Warning System |
SAWS | Staff Agent Workstation (insurance) |
SAWS | Status Already in Working State (Alcatel) |
SAWS | Spaceborne Advanced Warning System |