Acronym | Definition |
SLB | Solomon Islands (ISO Country code) |
SLB | Sport Lisboa e Benfica (soccer) |
SLB | Schlumberger Ltd. (oil field services firm) |
SLB | Securities Lending and Borrowing (stocks) |
SLB | Server Load Balancing |
SLB | Static Load Balancing |
SLB | Slide Library |
SLB | Software Library |
SLB | Serverless Backup |
SLB | Symbol Library |
SLB | Segment Lookaside Buffer |
SLB | Sindikad Labourerien Breizh (French: Workers Union Brittany) |
SLB | Strong-Side Linebacker (pro football) |
SLB | Sri Lanka Broadcasting |
SLB | Standard Life Bank (UK) |
SLB | South London Business (UK) |
SLB | Science Laboratory Building (various schools) |
SLB | Surplus Lines Broker (license; various locations) |
SLB | State Land Board |
SLB | Society for Leukocyte Biology (Bethesda, MD) |
SLB | Sale and Leaseback (financial transaction) |
SLB | Student Life Board (Brookdale Community College; Lincroft, NJ) |
SLB | Secure Loader Block (computing) |
SLB | Sliding Board |
SLB | Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. |
SLB | Slide Lid Box (cigar box) |
SLB | Stevenson Lawson Building (University of Western Ontario; Ontario, Canada) |
SLB | Synonym Lookaside Buffer |
SLB | Siberian Land Bridge (Japan) |
SLB | Second Life Ballet |
SLB | Shallow Land Burial (waste disposal) |
SLB | Sniper Leader Board (gaming) |
SLB | Sethu Lakshmi Bai (higher secondary school, India) |
SLB | Shannon Lower Bound |
SLB | Subscriber Local Busy (signal) |
SLB | Side-Lobe Blanking |
SLB | Stridsledning Bataljon (Swedish) |
SLB | Senior League Baseball |
SLB | Superlattice Barrier |
SLB | Stabilization of Liquid Bridges |
SLB | Street Letter Box (various organizations; Jamaica and Canada) |
SLB | Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux (French: Linnean Society of Bordeaux; France) |
SLB | Signed Log Book (geocaching) |
SLB | Single Leg Brace |
SLB | Stade Lavallois Basket (French: Laval Basketball Stadium; Laval, France) |
SLB | SACDIN Laboratory Bulletin |
SLB | Senior Leadership Board |
SLB | Saint-Louis Basket (basketball organization; France; est. 1935) |
SLB | Stop Lock Button |