SCOREService Corps Of Retired Executives
SCORESearch Company Reports
SCORESchools of California Online Resources for Education
SCORESystematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (cardiology)
SCORESikh Council on Religion and Education
SCORESupport Centre for Open Resources in Education (UK)
SCOREStove for Cooking, Refrigeration, and Electricity (Biomass-to-energy poverty project; University of Nottingham, UK)
SCORESupporting Cooperation for Research and Education (University of Turin; Italy)
SCORESupplier Cost Reduction Effort
SCORESupport of Continuous Research Excellence
SCOREStanding Committee on Research Exchange
SCORESingapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises
SCOREStockholm Centre for Organizational Research
SCORESouth Carolina Oyster Restoration and Enhancement
SCORESignal Communication by Orbiting Relay Equipment
SCORESolution for Compliance in a Regulated Environment (IBM)
SCORESolar Convection and Oscillations and Their Relationship
SCORESafety Critical, Object Oriented, Real Time Embedded (software design tools)
SCOREStream Computations Organized for Reconfigurable Execution
SCORESummary of Current Offshore Rig Economics
SCORESouthern California Off Road Enthusiasts
SCORESpinal Cord Opportunities for Rehabilitation Endowment
SCOREService of Coordinated Operational Emergency & Rescue Using EGNOS
SCORESME Collaborative Research
SCOREStateless Core
SCORESymbolic Computation Research Group (Japan)
SCORESouth Central Organization of Researchers and Educators
SCORESuzuki Cappuccino Owners Register for Enthusiasts
SCORESanta Cruz Ocean Racing Extravaganza (Santa Cruz, CA)
SCORESelf-Coherence Restoral (beamforming)
SCOREStudent Course Online Registration Engine
SCORESwiss Clinicians Opting for Research
SCORESouthern California Off-shore Range
SCORESchools Cooperative Opportunities for Resources and Education
SCORESanta Cruz Online Reality Education
SCORESales and Customer Service Occupational Readiness Education
SCORESelf-Contained Off-World Residential Environment
SCOREScope, Cost and Risk Evaluation
SCOREStudent Community for Outreach Retention and Excellence
SCOREService Code Online Report
SCORESIGINT Classification Of Recognized Emitters
SCOREStrengths, Challenges, Opportunities, Risks and Expectations (analysis)
SCORESatellite Cost Reduction System (NASA)
SCORESecurity Consensus for Operational Readiness Evaluation (SANS/GIAC and the Center for Internet Security)
SCORESpace Communications for Orbiting Relay Equipment
SCOREScientific Committee on Ocean Research Satellite Equipment
SCORESelective Conversion & Retention Program
SCORESOUTHCOM Relocation Effort
SCORESouthern Company Operating and Relaying Engineers
SCORESymptoms, Causes, Outcomes, Resources and Effects (model)