RPTRepeat (logging abbreviation)
RPTCrystal Report (Crystal Decisions Crystal Reports file extension)
RPTReal Property Tax
RPTRegal Petroleum PLC (UK; stock symbol)
RPTRegistered Phlebotomy Technician
RPTRegular Part Time
RPTRegistered Physical Therapist
RPTRassemblement du Peuple Togolais (French: Rally of the Togolese People)
RPTRational Performance Tester (IBM)
RPTRelated Party Transaction
RPTReference Point Therapy (personal development)
RPTRupture de Pont Thermique (French: Thermal Break)
RPTResource Planning Tool (software)
RPTReasonable Period of Time
RPTReverse Pyramid Training (weightlifting)
RPTRegistered Piano Technician (Piano Technicians Guild)
RPTRegular Public Transport
RPTRobotic Production Technology
RPTRas Precharge Time
RPTRouteable Protocol
RPTReport File
RPTRebuild Partition Table
RPTRapid Prototyping Technology
RPTReedsport (Amtrak station code; Reedsport, OR)
RPTRapid Phase Transition
RPTRegistered Play Therapist
RPTReappointment, Promotion and Tenure (university committee)
RPTRabbit Pyrogen Test
RPTRapid Penetration Test
RPTRise Per Tooth (metalworking)
RPTRoot Path Tree
RPTRadiant Panel Test
RPTRegistered Professional Teacher
RPTRegional Power Trade
RPTResilient Packet Transport (data communication technology)
RPTReal Photo Technology (Fiji)
RPTRécepteur Prise et Interface Télécommande (French: Receiver and Remote Socket Interface)
RPTRadiation Protection Technician
RPTRun Poker Tour (France)
RPTRelocatable Power Taps
RPTRecirculation Pump Trip
RPTRegistered Professional Technologist
RPTRepeat / I Repeat
RPTReturn Path Transmitter
RPTRaw Processing Time
RPTRevenue Per Transaction
RPTResident Provisioning Team
RPTRegistered Professional Trainer (Canada)
RPTRemedial Physical Training (US military)
RPTReactor Production of Tritium
RPTRequirements Planning Tool
RPTResource Protection Team
RPTRequirements Planning Team
RPTRefractory Period of Transmission
RPTRecirculation Point Tracking
RPTRealty Photo Tours (Canada)
RPTResponse Posture Tailored
RPTRepair Parts Transporter
RPTRemote Pressure Transmitter (Siemens AG)