Acronym | Definition |
RPT | Repeat |
RPT | Reprint/Reprinted |
RPT | Report |
RPT | Repeat (logging abbreviation) |
RPT | Crystal Report (Crystal Decisions Crystal Reports file extension) |
RPT | Real Property Tax |
RPT | Regal Petroleum PLC (UK; stock symbol) |
RPT | Registered Phlebotomy Technician |
RPT | Regular Part Time |
RPT | Registered Physical Therapist |
RPT | Rassemblement du Peuple Togolais (French: Rally of the Togolese People) |
RPT | Rational Performance Tester (IBM) |
RPT | Related Party Transaction |
RPT | Reference Point Therapy (personal development) |
RPT | Rupture de Pont Thermique (French: Thermal Break) |
RPT | Resource Planning Tool (software) |
RPT | Reasonable Period of Time |
RPT | Reverse Pyramid Training (weightlifting) |
RPT | Registered Piano Technician (Piano Technicians Guild) |
RPT | Regular Public Transport |
RPT | Robotic Production Technology |
RPT | Ras Precharge Time |
RPT | Routeable Protocol |
RPT | Report File |
RPT | Rebuild Partition Table |
RPT | Rapid Prototyping Technology |
RPT | Reedsport (Amtrak station code; Reedsport, OR) |
RPT | Rapid Phase Transition |
RPT | Registered Play Therapist |
RPT | Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure (university committee) |
RPT | Rabbit Pyrogen Test |
RPT | Rapid Penetration Test |
RPT | Rise Per Tooth (metalworking) |
RPT | Root Path Tree |
RPT | Radiant Panel Test |
RPT | Registered Professional Teacher |
RPT | Regional Power Trade |
RPT | Resilient Packet Transport (data communication technology) |
RPT | Real Photo Technology (Fiji) |
RPT | Récepteur Prise et Interface Télécommande (French: Receiver and Remote Socket Interface) |
RPT | Radiation Protection Technician |
RPT | Run Poker Tour (France) |
RPT | Relocatable Power Taps |
RPT | Recirculation Pump Trip |
RPT | Registered Professional Technologist |
RPT | Repeat / I Repeat |
RPT | Return Path Transmitter |
RPT | Raw Processing Time |
RPT | Revenue Per Transaction |
RPT | Resident Provisioning Team |
RPT | Registered Professional Trainer (Canada) |
RPT | Remedial Physical Training (US military) |
RPT | Reactor Production of Tritium |
RPT | Requirements Planning Tool |
RPT | Resource Protection Team |
RPT | Requirements Planning Team |
RPT | Refractory Period of Transmission |
RPT | Recirculation Point Tracking |
RPT | Realty Photo Tours (Canada) |
RPT | Response Posture Tailored |
RPT | Repair Parts Transporter |
RPT | Remote Pressure Transmitter (Siemens AG) |