RLERun Length Encoding
RLERed List of Ecosystems (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
RLERight to Left Embedding
RLERight-to-Left Embedding
RLERelated Learning Experience (various organizations)
RLERéseau Local d'Entreprise (French: Local Area Network)
RLERequired Local Effort
RLERouelle (French: Lane; Canada Post street designation)
RLERemaining Life Expectancy
RLERoast-Leach-Electrowin (zinc smelting)
RLERat Liver Epithelial Cell
RLERight Lower Extremities
RLERobert Lee Entertainment (California)
RLERhône-Alpes Location Equipement (French rental equipment company)
RLERecursive Least Entropy
RLERepair and Life Extension (ship repair)