Acronym | Definition |
RLPP | Rasio Lingkar Pinggang Pinggul (Indonesian: Waist Hip Circumference Ratio) |
RLPP | Retrograde Leak Point Pressure (urology) |
RLPP | Robust Locality Preserving Projection (facial recognition) |
RLPP | Rugby League Player Protection (insurance; Australia) |
RLPP | Retirees' Limited Privilege Program (US Air Force) |
RLPP | Richard Lee Project Planning (UK) |
RLPP | Residential Loan Protection Policy (insurance; Australia and New Zealand) |
RLPP | Rule of Law Partnership Program (USAID) |
RLPP | Reprographie Librairie Papeterie Presse (French: Reprographics Stationery Library Press) |