RICEResearch Institute of Construction and Economy (est. 1982; Japan)
RICERest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (injury treatment)
RICEReciprocating Internal Combustion Engine
RICEReports, Interfaces, Conversions, and Extensions
RICERemote Instrumentation Collaboration Environment (Ohio Supercomputer Center)
RICERotary Internal Combustion Engine
RICERice Inter-Church Evangelism
RICERacing Inspired Cosmetic Equipment (cars)
RICERegular Interlaboratory Counting Exchange
RICERegional Interactions of Climate and Ecosystems
RICERice Cultivation and Trace Gas Exchange
RICERest, Immobilize, Cold, Elevate (first Aid, fractures)
RICERadar Interface & Control Equipment
RICEResearch, Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise
RICERespect, Integrity, Courage and Excellence (success motto)