RATRaton (Amtrak station code; Raton, NM)
RATRemote Administration Tool
RATRace Against Time
RATRadio Access Technology
RATRough and Tumble (South African combat sport/art)
RATRapid Antigen Test
RATRegister Alias Table
RATRestore after Termination
RATRemote Access Trojan
RATRandom Access Time
RATRoute Attribute Table
RATRating System File
RATReal Application Testing
RATRobust Audio Tool
RATRange and Taxi
RATReal Application Testing (software)
RATRam Air Turbine
RATRobust Audio Tool (teleconferencing)
RATRock Abrasion Tool (NASA Mars Exploration Rover)
RATRitual Abuse-Torture (psychology)
RATRemote Access Trojans (CERTs - Hacker Programs)
RATRouter Audit Tool
RATRoad Ahead Technologies (various locations)
RATRemove All Tweaks (software)
RATRenderMan Artist Tools (Pixar)
RATReturn Air Temperature
RATRemote Access Terminal
RATRapid Assessment Team
RATRaduzhnyi (Russia)
RATRenewing the Anarchist Tradition (conference)
RATRandall's Adventure & Training
RATReject All Tobacco (Mississippi)
RATRainier Agility Team
RATReadiness Assessment Tool
RATRenewal Agreement Travel
RATRocket-Assisted Torpedo
RATRelative Accuracy Test
RATRapport d'Atelier Territorial (French: Territorial Workshop Report)
RATRocket Assisted Takeoff
RATRoblox Assault Team (gaming clan)
RATRemote Associate Test
RATReady Assets Trust (MLPFS)
RATRight Anterior Thigh
RATRoad Anomalies Tour
RATRecon Assault Team (video gaming clan)
RATRiders Association of Triumph Motorcycles
RATReadiness Assessment Team
RATReliability Assessment Test
RATReliability Assurance Test
RATReverse Arrangement Test
RATReceiver Available Time
RATReach-Around Technology
RATReprogramming Analysis Team (US Army)
RATRouting Analysis Tool
RATReport Authoring Tools
RATRelease After Transmision (token ring, IEEE 802.5)
RATRadiological Assessment/Assistance Team
RATRight Angle Theorem
RATRemote Agent Token
RATRapid Assault Tank (video game)
RATRanges, Ammunition, and Targets
RATRedeployment Assistance Team
RATRobbery Apprehension Team
RATRaytheon Astor Team