Acronym | Definition |
SMI | Structure of Management Information |
SMI | Salario Minimo Interprofesional (Spanish: Interprofessional Minimum Wage) |
SMI | Swiss Market Index (trademark of SWX Swiss Exchange) |
SMI | Serious Mental Illness |
SMI | Storage Management Initiative (HP) |
SMI | Speedway Motorsports, Inc. |
SMI | Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
SMI | School of Management and Innovation (Berlin, Germany) |
SMI | State Median Income |
SMI | Slow-Moving Inventory |
SMI | Siemens Medical Instruments (Singapore) |
SMI | Supplementary Medical Insurance |
SMI | Student Medical Insurance |
SMI | Sports Media, Inc. (est. 1991) |
SMI | Secretary Management Institute (various locations) |
SMI | Sustainable Minerals Institute (Brisbane, Australia) |
SMI | System Management Interrupt |
SMI | Suzuki Maruti India |
SMI | Special Message Identifier |
SMI | Systems and Materials for Information Storage |
SMI | Standard Multilayer Image |
SMI | Shared Multidimensional Information |
SMI | Storage Management Interface |
SMI | Sequelink Middleware Interface |
SMI | Synchronized Multimedia Integration |
SMI | State Management Interface |
SMI | Storage Management Initiative |
SMI | Single Mode Fiber Intermediate Range |
SMI | Scientology Missions International |
SMI | Strategic Management and Innovation (various locations) |
SMI | Standard Multilayer Image (Cisco) |
SMI | Success Motivation International (Waco, TX) |
SMI | Shape Modeling International (International Conference) |
SMI | Sonitus Medical, Inc. (San Mateo, CA) |
SMI | Site of Metropolitan Importance (UK) |
SMI | Standard Multilayer Software Image (Cisco) |
SMI | Stock Market Indicator |
SMI | Severely Mentally Ill |
SMI | Système de Management Intégré (French: Integrated Management System) |
SMI | Société Moderne d'Isolation (French: Modern Insulation Company; est. 1985) |
SMI | Supplemental Medical Insurance (US Medicare Part B) |
SMI | Service Management International (UK) |
SMI | Supplier Managed Inventory (supply chain management) |
SMI | System Management Interrupts |
SMI | Symbolic Music Information (computer programming) |
SMI | System Monitoring Interface |
SMI | Stanford Medical Informatics |
SMI | Space Micro, Inc. (San Diego, CA) |
SMI | Sagem Morpho, Inc. (biometric readers) |
SMI | Strategic Marketplace Initiative (healthcare consortium) |
SMI | State Metal Industries (Camden, NJ) |
SMI | Safety Management Institute (various organizations) |
SMI | Society for Molecular Imaging (Kerrville, TX) |
SMI | Safe Motherhood Initiative |
SMI | Sales & Marketing Institute |
SMI | Surface Minimum d'Installation (French: Minimum Installation Area; farming) |
SMI | Severely Mentally Impaired |
SMI | Secret of Monkey Island |
SMI | Science Math Initiative (California) |
SMI | Siemens Microelectronics, Inc. (Cupertino, CA) |
SMI | Single Mode Intermediate (Cisco) |
SMI | Sample Matrix Inversion |
SMI | Spring Manufacturers Institute |
SMI | School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children (USDA) |
SMI | Structure Model Index (bone mass) |
SMI | Serial Management Interface |
SMI | St Michael's Institution (Malaysia) |
SMI | Shared Memory Interface |
SMI | Sisters of Mary Immaculate (religious order) |
SMI | Specialty Manufacturing Inc (San Diego, CA) |
SMI | Security Management Infrastructure |
SMI | Solutions pour Maisons Intelligentes (French: Solutions for Intelligent Homes) |
SMI | Soldier/Machine Interface |
SMI | Service Médical International (French: International Medical Service; est. 1983) |
SMI | Senior Military Instructor (Army ROTC) |
SMI | Structured Materials Industries, Inc. |
SMI | Swiss Meteorological Institute |
SMI | Specialty Motions, Inc (Corona, CA) |
SMI | Smart Metering Initiative (Canada) |
SMI | Separation Minima Infringement (aircraft) |
SMI | Samos Island, Greece (Airport Code) |
SMI | Small Medium Industry |
SMI | Soil Moisture Index |
SMI | Scientific Monitoring, Inc. (Scottsdale, AZ) |
SMI | Strategic Management Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) |
SMI | Strategic Modernization Initiative |
SMI | Supply Management Inspection |
SMI | Security Management Information |
SMI | Smart Metering Infrastructure (Australia) |
SMI | Southern Military Institute |
SMI | Silent Myocardial Infarction |
SMI | Systems and Methods Inc (Georgia) |
SMI | Smart Money Index |
SMI | Statistical Mechanical Informatics |
SMI | Sean Murphy Induction (Huntington Beach, CA manufacturer of custom built carburetors for automotive applications) |
SMI | Subsystem Multiplicity Indicator (SS7 SCCP) |
SMI | Senior Marine Instructor (USMC JROTC) |
SMI | Service Management Interface |
SMI | Sergeant Major Instructor |
SMI | Saturday Morning Inspection |
SMI | Solutions de Marquage Industriel (French: Industrial Marking Solutions) |
SMI | Sudden Money Institute |
SMI | Sphincter Mechanism Incompetence |
SMI | Service Médical Interentreprises (French: Business to Business Medical Service) |
SMI | Sperry Marine Inc. |
SMI | Structured Management Information |
SMI | Saint Michael's Institute (New York, NY) |
SMI | Structural Mode Interaction |
SMI | Strings Music Import (France) |
SMI | Société Mutualiste Interprofessionnelle (French: Mutual Interprofessional Company) |
SMI | Starch Medical Inc (San Jose, CA manufacturer of surgical hemostasis products) |
SMI | Secrétaires de Mairie Instituteurs (French: Town Clerk Teachers) |
SMI | Simple Matrix Inversion |
SMI | Sports Management International LLC |
SMI | Sending Module ID |
SMI | Sample Matrix Inverter |
SMI | Saint Matthew Island (Alaska) |
SMI | Sur-Mesure Industriel (French: On-Industrial Measurement; consulting firm; est. 1991) |
SMI | Side Mount Intercooler (automotive turbo systems) |
SMI | Société Méditerranéenne d'Informatique (French: Mediterranean Computer Company; est. 1983) |
SMI | Surface Measuring Instrument |
SMI | Ship Modification Instruction |
SMI | Self-Mounting floppy disk Image (Mac OS File Extension) |
SMI | Ship Manpower Information |
SMI | Sherwood Manufacturing, Inc. (Longmont, CO) |