Acronym | Definition |
SFE | Sydney Futures Exchange (Australia) |
SFE | Sparkfun Electronics (Boulder, CO) |
SFE | Scouts for Equality (various locations) |
SFE | Supercritical Fluid Extraction |
SFE | Star Formation Efficiency (astronomy) |
SFE | Start Field Extended |
SFE | Scale Factor Edit |
SFE | Secure Function Evaluation (cryptography) |
SFE | Sales Force Effectiveness |
SFE | Society of Facade Engineering (est. 2004) |
SFE | Surface Figure Error (optics) |
SFE | Skills for Employment (various organizations) |
SFE | Solicitors for the Elderly (legal advisory group; Hertfordshire, England, UK; est. 1999) |
SFE | San Francisco Examiner |
SFE | St. Francis Elementary (Minnesota) |
SFE | Standards for Excellence |
SFE | Sodalizio Fuoristradisti Euganei (Italian: Off-Road Hills Association) |
SFE | Société Française de l'Evaluation (French: French Evaluation Society) |
SFE | Stacking Fault Energy (materials science and engineering) |
SFE | San Fernando, Philippines (Airport Code) |
SFE | Société Française d'Endocrinologie (French: French Society of Endocrinology) |
SFE | Supplier Furnished Equipment |
SFE | Société Française d'Equithérapie (French: French Society of Equitherapy) |
SFE | Services Front End (workshop) |
SFE | Société Française d'Ethnopharmacologie (French: French Society of Ethnopharmacology) |
SFE | Stainless Fabricating & Engineering (Portage, MI) |
SFE | Société Française d'Ethnomusicologie (French: French Society of Ethnomusicology) |
SFE | Standardization Flight Evaluation (US Army) |
SFE | Société Française d'Electrophorèse |
SFE | Société Française d'Ecologie (French: French Society of Ecology) |
SFE | Sustainable Forestry Education (Michigan) |
SFE | Service Fraternel d'Entraide (French: Fraternal Mutual Aid Service; various locations) |
SFE | Société Française d'Egyptologie (French: French Society of Egyptology) |
SFE | Société de Fabrication Electronique (French: Electronic Manufacturing Company) |
SFE | Société Française d'Endodontie (French: French Society of Endodontics) |
SFE | Stupid Feeding Error (herpetoculture) |
SFE | Space Force Enhancement (US DoD) |
SFE | Symington Family Estates (Port wine) |
SFE | Supercritical Fluid Elution |
SFE | Static Feed Electrolysis |
SFE | Single-Flared Eyelet (body piercing) |
SFE | Société Francaise d'Exobiologie (French: French Society of Exobiology) |
SFE | Statement of Functional Expense (nonprofit efficiency) |
SFE | Store and Forward Engine |
SFE | Space Frequency Equivalence |
SFE | Sheet Film Equivalent |
SFE | Severe Framing Error (Hekimian) |
SFE | Simon Fell Ensemble (UK) |
SFE | Société Française de l'Emballage (French: French Society of Packaging) |