SDNSun Developer Network (Sun Microsystems)
SDNSAP Developer Network
SDNSOF (Special Operations Forces) Deployable Node
SDNSociale Databank Nederland (Dutch)
SDNSociété Des Nations
SDNStudent Doctor Network
SDNSolution Dyed Nylon (fibers)
SDNSoftware Distribution Network
SDNService Dialing Numbers
SDNSelf Defending Network
SDNSystem Development Network
SDNSun Developer Network
SDNSandane, Norway (Airport Code)
SDNSoftware Defined Network
SDNSecure Data Network
SDNSpecially Designated National
SDNService Delivery Network
SDNSelf-Defending Network
SDNSundhedsdatanettet (Danish: Health Data Network)
SDNSwitched Data Network
SDNStandard Document Number
SDNShareware Distribution Network
SDNStructural DNA Nanotechnology
SDNSocial Development Network (Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports; Singapore)
SDNSudan Republic
SDNS4C Digital Networks (television)
SDNSwitched Digital Network
SDNSystem Development Notification
SDNSchedule Deletion Notification
SDNSprint Dial Network
SDNSpatial Data Network(ing) (geographic information systems and remote sensing)
SDNSystem Defined Network
SDNStation/Subscriber Directory Number