SMARTSelf-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (hard drive feature; warns of problems before total failure)
SMARTSelf-Management and Recovery Training
SMARTScience, Mathematics and Research for Transformation
SMARTSecurity Management Architecture (Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.)
SMARTNational Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (federal grant)
SMARTStart Making A Reader Today
SMARTSelf Managing and Resource Tuning
SMARTSelf Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology
SMARTSmart Multipurpose Autonomous Robot Toolkit
SMARTSonics Methodology and Architecture for Rapid Time-to-Market
SMARTSwatch Mercedes Art
SMARTStorage Management Analytics and Reasoning Technology
SMARTSimple Modular Architecture Research Tool
SMARTSuburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation
SMARTSmall Missions for Advanced Research in Technology (NASA)
SMARTStormwater Management and Road Tunnel (project; Malaysia)
SMARTSave More Tomorrow
SMARTSimple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (software development)
SMARTSikh Mediawatch and Resource Task Force
SMARTStress Management And Relaxation Training
SMARTSwatch Mercedes Art (Daimler-Benz automobile model)
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
SMARTSex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending,. Registering, and Tracking (US Department of Justice)
SMARTSystem to Manage Accutane Related Teratogenicity
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound
SMARTSimulation and Modeling for Acquisition, Requirements and Training
SMARTSecondary Materials and Recycled Textiles Association
SMARTSpecial Medical Augmentation Response Team (US Army MEDCOM)
SMARTSouth Metro Area Rapid Transit
SMARTSpeed Monitoring Awareness Radar Trailer
SMARTSatellite Monitoring and Remote Tracking
SMARTSatellite Mutual Aid Radio Talkgroup
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Related (goals)
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Tangible
SMARTScheduled Maintainence at Regular Times (DealerPro)
SMARTState Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolset (US State Department)
SMARTSomatic Mutation and Recombination Test
SMARTSave Money and Reduce Taxes
SMARTSystemwide Mental Assessment Response Team (Los Angeles Police Department)
SMARTSubstitutable Medical Apps, Reusable Technology (healthcare)
SMARTSpecial Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team
SMARTSustainable Model for Arctic Regional Tourism
SMARTStrategic Marketing and Research Techniques
SMARTSpecial Military Active-Retired Travel Club
SMARTSonoma-Marin Area Rapid Transit (California Bay Area)
SMARTSystem Metric and Reporting Tool
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely (process metrics)
SMARTSoundly Made, Accountable, Reasonable, and Thrifty
SMARTSimple, Manageable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
SMARTSouthern Modified Auto Racing Teams
SMARTState of Missouri Alcohol Responsibility Training
SMARTService Maîtrise des Risques au Travail (French: Service Risk Management at Work; Electricité de France)
SMARTSmart Motorcyclists Attend Rider Training
SMARTSunnyvale Materials Recovery and Transfer Station (Sunnyvale, California)
SMARTSummer Multicultural Advanced Research Training (University of North Texas)
SMARTSomatotrophics, Memory, and Aging Research Trial (clinical trial)
SMARTSystem of Measurement And Reporting for Technologies (Canada)
SMARTSafety Means Alert on Road in Traffic (India Youth for Society campaign; India)
SMARTStudents Making a Realistic Transition (various schools)
SMARTSurface Mining Association for Research and Technology
SMARTShared Many-To-Many ATM Reservations
SMARTSupply Maintenance Aviation Re-Engineering Team (Links maintenance and supply chains)
SMARTSelf-Measurement for the Assessment of the Response to Trandolapril
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, Time-Bound
SMARTSimple Maintenance of Arts
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, Time-based
SMARTSun Metro Area Rapid Transit
SMARTStandard Modular Avionics Repair and Test (software)
SMARTStatistical Methodology Analysis Reporting Technique (performance monitoring model)
SMARTSingle Mothers Acquiring Resources and Training (Seattle, WA)
SMARTSCSI Managed Array Technology (Compaq Smart Controller)
SMARTSunset Marketing and Revitalization Team (Rail advocacy group)
SMARTSenior Medication Awareness and Training
SMARTSailor/Marine American Council of Education Registry Transcript
SMARTStudents Making A Right Turn
SMARTSichang Marine Science Research and Training Station
SMARTSecurities Market Automated Regulated Trading Architecture
SMARTSecure Messaging And Routing Terminal
SMARTSafety and Mission Assurance Review Team
SMARTSupportability Management Assessment Report Tool
SMARTSystem Monitoring and Remote Tuning
SMARTStructural Maintenance And Repair Team
SMARTStockton Metropolitan Transit District
SMARTSusceptibility Model Assessment with Range Test
SMARTSimulation and Modeling Anchored in Real-World Testing
SMARTSystem to Motivate and Reward Teachers
SMARTSequential Modular Architecture for Robotics and Teleoperation (Sandia Labs)
SMARTSchool Management And Record Tracking
SMARTSales Marketing and Real Technologies Pty Ltd (Melbourne, Australia)
SMARTService de Mesure et d'Analyse de La Radioactivité et des Éléments Tracés (French: Service Measurement and Analysis of Radioactivity and Trace Elements)
SMARTShop Floor Modeling, Analysis, and Reporting Tool
SMARTSpecial Medical Augmentation Reaction Team (US Army, Medical Command)
SMARTSolid Modeling Aerospace Research Tool
SMARTSouthern Maine Alternative to Residential Treatment
SMARTStrategies for Motivating and Rewarding Teachers (Houston, Texas)
SMARTShipboard Modular Arrangement Reconfiguration Technology
SMARTStockpile Materials Requirement Tabulator
SMARTSensor-Fuzed Munitions for Artillery
SMARTSpecific, Motivating, Achievable, Rewarding, and Tactical
SMARTService Management and Resource Tool (Covad)
SMARTShort Maturity Analytic and Reporting Tool
SMARTSubmarine Message Automated Routing Terminal
SMARTStress-Marginality and Accelerated-Reliability Testing
SMARTSmall Motor Aerospace Technology
SMARTStock Management And Replenishment Tracking (B&Q)
SMARTSpace Mission Assessment for Reliability and Tactics
SMARTSensors Mounted As Roving Threads
SMARTSupply Maintenance Assessment Review Team
SMARTStudent Managed Academic Resource Time
SMARTSynthetic Multiple Aperture Radar Technology
SMARTSignaal Multibeam Acquisition Radar for Tracking (Dutch naval radar)
SMARTSoldiers Manual, Army Training
SMARTStereoscopic Mapping and Rescaling Technology
SMARTShipboard Multipurpose Analysis and Reduction Tool
SMARTService Management Analysis and Reporting Tool (Sprint)
SMARTStimulated Martensite-Austenite Reverse Transformation
SMARTScalable Multi-Priority Allocation of Resources and Traffic (Newbridge)
SMARTSupplier Monthly Assessment Reporting Tool
SMARTSuper Music Action Ready Team (cartoons)
SMARTSustainable Multi Species Agricultural Resource User Trial
SMARTSystems Management Analysis, Research & Test
SMARTSupply Management Army Retrieval Technique
SMARTShip's Material Assessment and Readiness Testing
SMARTSimulation Model for Allocation of Resources for Training
SMARTSystem for the Management of Rejected Transactions
SMARTSimulation and Modeling Assistant for Research and Training
SMARTSubmarine Modernization and Alterations Requirements Tool
SMARTSkilled Motor Vehicle and Rider Training
SMARTStandard Multiple Application Regulation Topology
SMARTSatellite Maintenance And Repair Techniques
SMARTSpecial-emphasis Material Action & Reporting Technique
SMARTSoutheast Michigan Astrologers' Round Table
SMARTSwinger and Magnetic Analyzer with a Rotator and Twister
SMARTSystem Management & Allocation of Resources Technique
SMARTStructures et Marché Agricoles, Ressources et Territoires (French: Agricultural and Market Structure, Resources and Territories)
SMARTSoutheast Michigan Area Rapid Transit (Metro Detroit public transit system)