Acronym | Definition |
TCL | Tool Command Language |
TCL | Texas Collegiate League (est. 2003) |
TCL | The Corporate Library |
TCL | Target Capabilities List |
TCL | Terminal Coupling Loss |
TCL | Traction Control |
TCL | Tae Command Language |
TCL | Time Cas Latency |
TCL | Transmission Control Layer |
TCL | Transform Clipping and Lightning |
TCL | Tata Communications Ltd. |
TCL | Transports en Commun Lyonnais (French: Lyon public transport system) |
TCL | Transports en Commun de Limoges (French: Limoges Public Transport; Limoges, France) |
TCL | Twentieth Century Literature (classification) |
TCL | Tung Chung Line (Hong Kong) |
TCL | Trust Company Ltd. (various locations) |
TCL | Target Compound List |
TCL | Tool Control Language |
TCL | The Colorado Lawyer (Colorado Bar Association) |
TCL | Trade Centre Limited (Canada) |
TCL | Tiger Conservation Landscape |
TCL | Total Current Liabilities |
TCL | The Community Library (Idaho) |
TCL | Think Class Library |
TCL | Terminal Control Language (Verifone) |
TCL | Technical Career Ladder (Air Liquide) |
TCL | Transaction Control Language (computing) |
TCL | Transverse Carpal Ligament |
TCL | Transport en Commun Lyonnais (Public Transport of Lyon, France) |
TCL | Total Carnage League (gaming) |
TCL | Transverse Conversion Loss |
TCL | Transform, Clipping and Lighting (graphics) |
TCL | Tuscaloosa, AL, USA - Van De Graff (Airport Code) |
TCL | Taylor Cullity Lethlean (Australia) |
TCL | Thrust Control Lever |
TCL | Target Collimator Long |
TCL | Twin City Lines (Minneapolis-St Paul) |
TCL | Tennis Club de Lyon (French: Lyon Tennis Club; France; est. 1864) |
TCL | Toggle No Clipping (gaming console command) |
TCL | Taylor Control Language |
TCL | Tricare for Life (retired military medical insurance) |
TCL | Today's China Lion |
TCL | Trap-Charge Limited |
TCL | Transient Control Level |
TCL | Training in Christian Living |
TCL | Total Cost Line |
TCL | Traffic Controller Light |
TCL | Testing and Certification Laboratory |
TCL | Total Cost of Labor |
TCL | Test Class Level |
TCL | Teacher Career Ladder Program |
TCL | TRICARE Line for Care |
TCL | Théorie des Circuits Linéaires (French) |
TCL | Thin Cell-Layer Explant (botany) |
TCL | Thermal Characterization Laboratory (University of California, Santa Cruz) |
TCL | Terratech Consulting Ltd (Salmon Arm, BC, Canada) |