Acronym | Definition |
RMA | Return Merchandise Authorization |
RMA | Return Material Authorization |
RMA | Risk Management Agency (USDA) |
RMA | Risk Management Association (US) |
RMA | Rubber Manufacturers Association |
RMA | Reproductive Medicine Associates (New Jersey) |
RMA | Revolution in Military Affairs |
RMA | Registered Medical Assistant |
RMA | REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) Modernization Act |
RMA | Revenu Minimum d'Activité (French: Minimum Earned Income) |
RMA | Rogers Marvel Architects (New York, NY) |
RMA | Regional Mobility Authority (various locations) |
RMA | Rubin Museum of Art (New York, NY) |
RMA | Remote Memory Access |
RMA | Remote Monitoring Agent |
RMA | Resource Management and Accounting |
RMA | Reliable Multicast Algorithm |
RMA | Randolph-Macon Academy (Virginia) |
RMA | Ressourcen Management Agentur (German: Resource Management Agency; Austria) |
RMA | Royal Military Academy |
RMA | Retour de Matériel (French: Return Material) |
RMA | Registered Managers Award (certification; UK) |
RMA | Registered Municipal Accountant (New Jersey) |
RMA | Rocky Mountain Adventures (Fort Collins, CO) |
RMA | Rocky Mountain Arsenal (Denver, CO, USA; now closed) |
RMA | River Mill Academy (North Carolina) |
RMA | Rosin Mildly Activated |
RMA | Records Management Analyst (various organizations) |
RMA | Records Management Application |
RMA | Return to Manufacturer Authorization |
RMA | Rescue Mission Alliance (various locations) |
RMA | Rate Monotonic Analysis |
RMA | Royal Musical Association (UK) |
RMA | Richmond Metropolitan Authority |
RMA | Russian Martial Arts |
RMA | Right Mental Attitude |
RMA | Registered Migration Agent (Australia) |
RMA | Rental Management Agreement (contracts) |
RMA | Recording Musicians Association |
RMA | Respect My Authoritah |
RMA | Royal Marine Artillery |
RMA | Radio Manufacturers' Association |
RMA | Riverside Military Academy (Gainesville Georgia) |
RMA | Relationship Management Application (SWIFT) |
RMA | Reliability, Maintainability & Availability |
RMA | Rule Maintenance Application (Blaze software) |
RMA | Robust Multichip Analysis |
RMA | Rock Me Amadeus (song) |
RMA | Rivermead Motor Assessment (stroke patient test) |
RMA | Removal Action |
RMA | Rich Mobile Application (smartphones) |
RMA | Risk Management Alternatives, Inc |
RMA | Recording Management Area (optical disc recording) |
RMA | Resource Management Account |
RMA | Regional Monitoring Agency |
RMA | Robert McNeel and Associates (Seattle, WA) |
RMA | Regulatory Modernization Act (Canada) |
RMA | Russian Managers Association |
RMA | Royal Malta Artillery |
RMA | Random Multiple Access (algorithm) |
RMA | Royal Marine Association |
RMA | Roma, Queensland, Australia - Roma (Airport Code) |
RMA | Range Migration Algorithm |
RMA | Refractory Metals Association |
RMA | Resources Management Act (New Zealand) |
RMA | Removable Media Assembly |
RMA | Resource Management Application |
RMA | Retail Markets Alliance (UK) |
RMA | Ramon Magsaysay Award |
RMA | Remote Manipulator Arm (US space shuttle robotic arm) |
RMA | Remember Me Always |
RMA | Remote Maintenance Access |
RMA | Reliability/Maintainability Analysis |
RMA | Readiness Management Application |
RMA | Registered Members' Area |
RMA | Radiological Materials Area |
RMA | Right Mouse Action |
RMA | Refusing Medical Attention |
RMA | Real Meat Alternatives |
RMA | Reciprocal Microstrip Antenna |
RMA | Re-Configuration Management Architecture |
RMA | Readiness Management Activity |
RMA | Rehabilitation Management Associates |
RMA | Requirements Management Agreement |
RMA | Rich Minimized Application (computing) |
RMA | Right Main Artery |