Acronym | Definition |
SRT | Street and Racing Technology (Dodge) |
SRT | Seattle Repertory Theatre (Seattle, WA) |
SRT | Subaru Rally Team (racing) |
SRT | Special Response Team |
SRT | Standard Repair Time |
SRT | Sound Recording Technology (various organizations) |
SRT | Smart Response Technology (Intel) |
SRT | Schuylkill River Trail (Pennsylvania) |
SRT | South River Technologies (Annapolis, MD) |
SRT | Search and Rescue Team (various locations) |
SRT | Stereotactic Radiation Therapy |
SRT | SubRip Subtitle (file format) |
SRT | Singapore Repertory Theatre |
SRT | Systems Routing |
SRT | Street Racing and Technology |
SRT | Sun Reflective Technology |
SRT | Standard Radio Telecom |
SRT | System Recovery Table |
SRT | Sort Table |
SRT | Source Rooted Tree |
SRT | Sectional Running Time |
SRT | Service Response Time (computing) |
SRT | Subsystem Route Test |
SRT | Source Routing Transparent |
SRT | Source Route Transport |
SRT | Single Render Target |
SRT | Subrip Title |
SRT | Scale Rotation Translation |
SRT | Start |
SRT | Searsport (Amtrak station code; Searsport, ME) |
SRT | Scientific Research Team (various organizations) |
SRT | System Recovery Tool (software) |
SRT | Speech Reception Threshold |
SRT | State Railway of Thailand |
SRT | Supporting Research and Technology (US NASA) |
SRT | ShelterBox Response Team (UK) |
SRT | Source-Route Transparent (Cisco - Token Ring) |
SRT | Small Radio Telescope |
SRT | Senior Research Thesis (various schools) |
SRT | Single Rope Technique (rappelling) |
SRT | Silver Ring Thing |
SRT | Source Routing Transparent (token ring) |
SRT | Special Reaction Team |
SRT | Soft Real-Time |
SRT | Street Racing Technology (Dodge racing) |
SRT | Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (software; Visible Human Project) |
SRT | Software Reliability and Testing |
SRT | Shetland Recreational Trust (UK) |
SRT | System Recovery Time |
SRT | Student Research Team (various schools) |
SRT | Science Research Techniques (various organizations) |
SRT | Sludge Retention Time |
SRT | Super Robot Taisen (video game) |
SRT | Start-Up Repair Tool (software) |
SRT | Save the Rhino Trust |
SRT | Sons of the Republic of Texas (Bay City, TX) |
SRT | Scarborough Rapid Transit (Canada) |
SRT | Security Response Team |
SRT | Security Reconnaisance Team (Plano, TX) |
SRT | Silk Road Tours (China) |
SRT | Surfactant Replacement Therapy |
SRT | Student Research Training (Tsinghua University) |
SRT | Stain Resistant Top (vinyls) |
SRT | Sport and Recreation Tasmania (Tasmania, Australia) |
SRT | Skid Resistance Tester |
SRT | Secure Routing Technology |
SRT | Spill Response Team |
SRT | Smithers Rapra Technology (The Smithers Group) |
SRT | Simca Racing Team (France) |
SRT | Slow Response Time |
SRT | Social Responsibility Training (Character Development Systems, L.L.C.) |
SRT | Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (cricket player) |
SRT | Station Readiness Test (US NASA) |
SRT | Social Representations Theory |
SRT | Shuttle Requirements Traceability (US NASA) |
SRT | Special Rated Thrust (US NASA) |
SRT | Smart Road Technology, LLC (New Albany, OH) |
SRT | Service Request Ticket (various companies) |
SRT | Southern Refrigerated Transport, Inc. |
SRT | Solids Residence Time |
SRT | Signal Requests Terminal |
SRT | Small Rigid Tag (transponder) |
SRT | Short Response Trigger (guns) |
SRT | Synonym Rename Table |
SRT | Solid Rubber Trussing |
SRT | Static Rollover Threshold |
SRT | Service Restoration Team |
SRT | Standard Remote Terminal |
SRT | Short Reaction Time |
SRT | Sustainable Returns Team |
SRT | Strategic Relocatable Target(s) |
SRT | Sawfish Recovery Team |
SRT | Safety Review Team |
SRT | Scale, Rotation, Translation (3D modeling) |
SRT | Systèmes Réseaux et Télécommunications (French: Networks and Telecommunications Systems) |
SRT | Standard Rate Turn |
SRT | Structure Rule Table |
SRT | Scheduled Return Time |
SRT | Slower than Real Time |
SRT | Single Row Termination |
SRT | Sequential Resonant Tunneling |
SRT | Société des Régates de La Turballe (French: Regatta Society of La Turballe; La Turballe, France) |
SRT | Supply Response Time (Boeing FIRST award fee criteria) |
SRT | Shipboard Receive Terminal |
SRT | Station Redesign Team |
SRT | Short Range Transport Aircraft |
SRT | Spent Resin Tank |
SRT | Supplier Response Time |
SRT | Shelf Ready Tray (various companies) |
SRT | Sequential Ranking Test |
SRT | Silicon Resistance Thermometer |
SRT | Shipboard Readiness Test |
SRT | Seamonster Response Team |
SRT | Subsystem Routing - Test (ANSI) |
SRT | Sector Reallocation Threshold |
SRT | Systems Readiness Test |
SRT | Subscriber Radio Terminal |
SRT | System Requirements Tree |
SRT | Student Resourse Time |
SRT | Southern Regional Transport, Inc. |
SRT | Spectral Research & Technology, Inc. |
SRT | Software Review Team |
SRT | Station Return Time |
SRT | Slow Run Through/Trials |
SRT | Shared Ride Transit |
SRT | Spin Resonance Transistor |