SBBSteel Business Briefing (London, UK)
SBBSan Bernardino (Amtrak bus station code; San Bernardino, CA)
SBBSchweizerische Bundesbahnen (Swiss Railway)
SBBSociedade Bíblica do Brasil (Portugese: Bible Society of Brazil)
SBBSports by Brooks (sports webblog)
SBBShared Buffer Block
SBBStorage Building Block
SBBSuper Broadband
SBBService Building Block
SBBSwift Broadband
SBBSwiftBroadBand (Inmarsat high-speed satellite internet service)
SBBShare Buy-Back
SBBSerbia Broadband (cable TV and broadband internet company)
SBBSolution Building Block
SBBSubtract with Borrow
SBBSchool-Based Budgeting
SBBSmall Business Bookkeeping
SBBSouthern Bank Berhad
SBBSystem Building Block
SBBStorage Bridge Bay Working Group (also seen as SBBWG; Redwood City, CA)
SBBSolid Bleached Board (packaging)
SBBSave Barnegat Bay (Lavallette, NJ)
SBBSoggy Bottom Boys
SBBSaudi British Bank
SBBStorage Building Block (Compaq, disk drives)
SBBService Building Block (SUN Java)
SBBStructural Biology Biophysics (various schools)
SBBSmall Business Board (various locations)
SBBSmall Business Beanstalk (Columbus, OH)
SBBServer Base Build (US Navy)
SBBSynthetic Battle Bridge
SBBSocial Business Bank (est. 2010)
SBBSmart Buffer Box
SBBStochastic Bounded Burstiness
SBBSouth Bay Birders
SBBStonewall Brigade Band (Staunton, VA)
SBBSatellite Busy Box
SBBSuper Broad Band
SBBStoreless Basic Block
SBBSupplied by Bidder
SBBSons of Big Boss (gaming)
SBBSingle Block and Bleed (valve)
SBBSlate Belt Band (Pennsylvania)
SBBSociedad Botánica do Brasil (Botanical Society of Brazil)
SBBStructured Building Block
SBBSouth Bethany Beach (Delaware)