ROGRepublic of Gamers
ROGRouge (Everquest)
ROGRedress of Grievance (military complaint system)
ROGRegional Ocean Governance
ROGRules of Governance (bylaws; various organizations)
ROGRoyal Observatory Greenwich (UK)
ROGRate of Growth
ROGReceipt Of Goods
ROGRebels of Gaming
ROGRoll on Ground (flying)
ROGReactive Organic Gas
ROGRise Off Ground (term for model plane taking off from ground instead of hand launch)
ROGRegional Operations Group
ROGReviews of Geophysics
ROGReally Old Guy
ROGRevolution of Gaming (gaming clan)
ROGRely on God
ROGRugby Olympique de Grasse (French Olympic rugby team)
ROGRegistry of Graduates (academics)