Acronym | Definition |
SADEC | Southern African Development Community |
SADEC | Spin Axis Declination (NASA) |
SADEC | Stand-Alone Decryption tool (SecureWave) |
SADEC | State Animal Disease Emergency Committee (India) |
SADEC | South American Dental Exporting Corporation |
SADEC | Sociedad Asociación Civil Argentina de Estimulación Cardíaca |
SADEC | Social Awareness and Development Compaign |
SADEC | Southern Africa Development and Educational Centre |
SADEC | Security Assistance Data Element Catalog (US DoD) |
SADEC | Statewide Articulation and Dual Enrollment Committee (South Carolina) |
SADEC | Sagina Decumbens (trailing pearlwort) |
SADEC | Supply And Development of Energy Co. |