Acronym | Definition |
RIF | Reading Is Fundamental |
RIF | Reduction In Force |
RIF | Rifampin (antituberculosis drug) |
RIF | Royal Irish Fusiliers |
RIF | Repeated Implantation Failure |
RIF | Routing Information Field |
RIF | Rapid Innovation Fund (US DoD) |
RIF | Rate Increase Factor |
RIF | Routing Information Filter |
RIF | Report Interchange Format |
RIF | Rhode Island Foundation (est. 1916) |
RIF | Rule Interchange Format |
RIF | Random Interesting Facts |
RIF | Reading Is Fun |
RIF | Retirement Income Fund (Canadian retirement plan) |
RIF | Registre International Français (French: French International Register) |
RIF | Right Iliac Fossa |
RIF | Resistance Is Futile (Star Trek) |
RIF | Reduced Injury Factor |
RIF | Realistic Imitation Firearm |
RIF | Réseaux en Ile-de-France (French regional music broadcasters' association) |
RIF | Regional Innovation Fund (UK) |
RIF | Rassemblement pour l'Indépendance de la France (French: Rally for the Independence of France) |
RIF | Renju International Federation |
RIF | Registro de Identificación Fiscal (Venezuelan IRS) |
RIF | Rencontres de l'Ichtyologie en France (French: Meetings of Ichthyology in France) |
RIF | Relative Importance Factor (classification feature selection) |
RIF | Radar Interface |
RIF | Room Inventory Form |
RIF | Rabid Inuyasha Fan (Adult Swim message boards) |
RIF | Ruhe in Frieden (German: rest in peace) |
RIF | Read and Initial File (aviation) |
RIF | Research Institute of Fruits (Indonesia) |
RIF | Recoverable Irradiated Fuel (spent fuel) |
RIF | Rain-Induced Fade |
RIF | Resource Interchange Format |
RIF | Refit Industrial Facility |
RIF | Rate Input Form |
RIF | Radiation-Induced Fault |
RIF | Radgivende Ingeniorers Forening (Norwegian: Consulting Engineers Association) |