RIFReading Is Fundamental
RIFReduction In Force
RIFRifampin (antituberculosis drug)
RIFRoyal Irish Fusiliers
RIFRepeated Implantation Failure
RIFRouting Information Field
RIFRapid Innovation Fund (US DoD)
RIFRate Increase Factor
RIFRouting Information Filter
RIFReport Interchange Format
RIFRhode Island Foundation (est. 1916)
RIFRule Interchange Format
RIFRandom Interesting Facts
RIFReading Is Fun
RIFRetirement Income Fund (Canadian retirement plan)
RIFRegistre International Français (French: French International Register)
RIFRight Iliac Fossa
RIFResistance Is Futile (Star Trek)
RIFReduced Injury Factor
RIFRealistic Imitation Firearm
RIFRéseaux en Ile-de-France (French regional music broadcasters' association)
RIFRegional Innovation Fund (UK)
RIFRassemblement pour l'Indépendance de la France (French: Rally for the Independence of France)
RIFRenju International Federation
RIFRegistro de Identificación Fiscal (Venezuelan IRS)
RIFRencontres de l'Ichtyologie en France (French: Meetings of Ichthyology in France)
RIFRelative Importance Factor (classification feature selection)
RIFRadar Interface
RIFRoom Inventory Form
RIFRabid Inuyasha Fan (Adult Swim message boards)
RIFRuhe in Frieden (German: rest in peace)
RIFRead and Initial File (aviation)
RIFResearch Institute of Fruits (Indonesia)
RIFRecoverable Irradiated Fuel (spent fuel)
RIFRain-Induced Fade
RIFResource Interchange Format
RIFRefit Industrial Facility
RIFRate Input Form
RIFRadiation-Induced Fault
RIFRadgivende Ingeniorers Forening (Norwegian: Consulting Engineers Association)