Acronym | Definition |
Sht | Sheet |
Sht | Spherical Harmonic Transform |
Sht | Schädel-Hirn-Trauma |
Sht | Section Header Table (computer programming) |
Sht | Sagamore Hills Township (Ohio) |
Sht | Studia Humaniora Tartuensia (online humanities journal) |
Sht | Stichting Historie der Techniek (Dutch Foundation for the History of Technology) |
Sht | Segway Human Transporter |
Sht | Subclinical Hypothyroidism |
Sht | Special Hull Treatment (tile) |
Sht | Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation (Canada; also seen as DHT) |
Sht | Systemic Hypertension |
Sht | Spherical Harmonic Transformation |
Sht | Seal Head Tank |
Sht | Short Holding Time |
Sht | Siilinjärvi Hockey Team |
Sht | Suppressed High-Level Differential Transfer |