Acronym | Definition |
SMTT | Seamonkey Trunk Tracker |
SMTT | Secretaria Municipal de Trânsito e Transporte (Brazil) |
SMTT | Strategic Management Tools and Techniques |
SMTT | Schule für Musik, Theater und Tanz (Germany) |
SMTT | Somatic Movement Therapy Training |
SMTT | SOMAction Movement Therapy Training |
SMTT | Söderhamns Motorcycles Touring Team |
SMTT | Standard Minimum Task Time |
SMTT | Seeing-More-Than-is-There |
SMTT | Student Marketing Task Team |
SMTT | Simplified Municipal Telecommunications Tax |
SMTT | School of Management and Training Technology (RAAF) |
SMTT | Smokey Yunick's Track Tech (book) |
SMTT | Senior Mentor Training Team |
SMTT | Société des Mines de Tassa n’Taghaigué |
SMTT | South Mountain Time Trial |
SMTT | Spinal Manipulative Thrust Techniques |
SMTT | Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders |
SMTT | Sud Médoc Tennis de Table (French table tennis club; Le Haillan, France) |
SMTT | Safe Motherhood Training Team |
SMTT | Supply Maintenance Team Training |
SMTT | Spezieller Modus Tollendo Tollens |
SMTT | Small Monitor Test Tool (input lag testing) |