Acronym | Definition |
SGU | Stargate Universe (TV show) |
SGU | Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (Swedish: Swedish Geological Survey; est. 1858) |
SGU | Swiss German University (Jakarta, Indonesia) |
SGU | Skeptics' Guide to the Universe (podcast) |
SGU | Scottish Golf Union (Scotland, UK) |
SGU | South Gujarat University (Gujarat, India) |
SGU | Saint George, UT, USA - St George (Airport Code) |
SGU | Schweizerische Gesellschaft fuer Urologie (German: Swiss Society of Urology; Geneva, Switzerland; est. 1944) |
SGU | Symbol Generator Unit |
SGU | Saint George's University (Island of Grenada) |
SGU | Signal Generator Unit (Oscilloquartz) |
SGU | Saturated Gas Unit |