SCFService Canadien des Forêts (Canadian Forest Service)
SCFStem Cell Factor
SCFSurvey of Consumer Finances
SCFServices to Children and Families (various locations)
SCFState College of Florida (Bradenton, FL)
SCFService Canadien de la Faune (Canadian wildlife service)
SCFScientific Committee on Food (European Commission)
SCFSupercritical Fluid
SCFSelf-Consistent Field
SCFSocieta Consortile Fonografici (Italian music consortium)
SCFStanding Committee on Fisheries (Australia)
SCFSymantec Client Firewall
SCFScale Factor
SCFScientific Computing Facilities
SCFSpelling Checker Configuration File
SCFSession Charging Function
SCFSelf Consistent Field
SCFSpectral Correlation Function
SCFSchedule Command File
SCFSizes Colors and Fonts
SCFService Control Function
SCFSpecial Custom Function
SCFSmart Case Fan
SCFSet Carry Flag
SCFSecured Compact Flash
SCFSouth Canterbury Finance (New Zealand)
SCFSave the Children Fund (UK)
SCFStandard Cubic Foot
SCFStandard Conversion Factor (economics)
SCFSkin Cancer Foundation
SCFSupply Chain Finance (economics)
SCFSectional Center Facility (3-digit Zip Code prefix)
SCFSetting Captives Free (Medina, OH ministry)
SCFSingapore Canoe Federation
SCFService Control Function (ITU-T; ETSI)
SCFServices to Children and Families (Oregon)
SCFSt. Croix Falls
SCFScottsdale Municipal Airport (Arizona)
SCFSahara Conservation Fund (est. 2004)
SCFSystem Control Facility
SCFSouth Central Farmers (cooperative)
SCFSeasonal Climate Forecast
SCFSystem Control Fair (Japan)
SCFSave the Children Federation (Westport, Connecticut)
SCFState Compensation Fund
SCFSubcutaneous Fat
SCFStatement of Cash Flow
SCFStress Concentration Factor (physics)
SCFSpecial Care Facility (various locations)
SCFSocial Capital Formation
SCFSequenced Compatibility Firing (US NASA)
SCFSantander Consumer Finance (Netherlands)
SCFSaint Croix Falls (Wisconsin)
SCFSatellite Control Facility
SCFSolid Concrete Floor
SCFScience Computing Facility
SCFScottish Crofting Foundation
SCFStudent Christian Fellowship
SCFServices for Children and Families
SCFSport-Club Freiburg (Germany)
SCFSafe Communities Foundation
SCFScottish Council Foundation
SCFStandard Competition Form (US Army)
SCFScottish Coastal Forum
SCFSustainability Challenge Foundation
SCFSurface Crack in Flexure
SCFSterling Correctional Facility
SCFStructured Commodity Finance
SCFSelf-Caught Flight
SCFSingapore Chess Federation
SCFSmart Card Forum
SCFSimplified Cash Flow
SCFSecond Chance Fund (various locations)
SCFSpring Creek Forest (Texas)
SCFScientific Computing Facility
SCFSolution Corporate Finance Limited (UK)
SCFStudent Computing Facility
SCFSpringfield Community Federation (Springfield, IL)
SCFSupply Chain Forum
SCFSuriname Conservation Foundation
SCFSubsystem Control Facility (Tandem)
SCFSupport Carrier Force (US Navy)
SCFSelf-Clinching Fastener
SCFSkycamefalling (band)
SCFShochiku CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System)/Fox (media)
SCFSpartan Christian Fellowship
SCFService Catholique des Funérailles (French: Catholic Funeral Service)
SCFSpectral Comparator Facility
SCFScientific Computing Facilities (Boston University)
SCFSquare Cubic Feet
SCFShared Channel Feedback (wireless communication)
SCFStanley Climbfall (album title)
SCFSpinal Cord Fluid
SCFStatistical Computing Facility (Berkeley)
SCFSwitch Capacitor Filter
SCFStructural Funds and Cohesion Fund (EU)
SCFSelf Contained Facility
SCFService Control Facility
SCFSport Club Feyenoord (Dutch football club)
SCFSector Competitiveness Framework (Canada)
SCFSynchronization and Convergence Function
SCFSingle Crystal Fiber
SCFStanford Computer Forum
SCFSupervisory and Control Function
SCFStatistical Collection File
SCFSystem Communication Function
SCFStandard Change Form
SCFScheduled Change Factor
SCFSloan Christian Fellowship
SCFShared Control with Feedback
SCFSurplus Cash Flow
SCFShipment Conditions File
SCFSample Coordination Facility
SCFSafety Critical Function
SCFSystem Control Factor
SCFSinusoidal Current Filament
SCFSABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture) Chartered Foundation Certificate (information security)
SCFSystems Control Facility
SCFSwedish Casting Federation
SCFSenators Community Foundation (Darien, CT)
SCFSheffield Children First
SCFSelective Call Fowarding (Bellcore)
SCFShared Computer Facility
SCFSteel Converter Furnace
SCFStorage Capability File
SCFSoftware Change Form
SCFSupercontinuum Fiber
SCFSociété Civile Foncière (French: Civil Society Land)
SCFSEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Cards Framework (regulatory system to harmonize payment cards across Europe)