Acronym | Definition |
SCF | Service Canadien des Forêts (Canadian Forest Service) |
SCF | Stem Cell Factor |
SCF | Survey of Consumer Finances |
SCF | Services to Children and Families (various locations) |
SCF | State College of Florida (Bradenton, FL) |
SCF | Service Canadien de la Faune (Canadian wildlife service) |
SCF | Scientific Committee on Food (European Commission) |
SCF | Supercritical Fluid |
SCF | Self-Consistent Field |
SCF | Societa Consortile Fonografici (Italian music consortium) |
SCF | Standing Committee on Fisheries (Australia) |
SCF | Symantec Client Firewall |
SCF | Scale Factor |
SCF | Scientific Computing Facilities |
SCF | Spelling Checker Configuration File |
SCF | Session Charging Function |
SCF | Self Consistent Field |
SCF | Spectral Correlation Function |
SCF | Schedule Command File |
SCF | Sizes Colors and Fonts |
SCF | Service Control Function |
SCF | Special Custom Function |
SCF | Smart Case Fan |
SCF | Set Carry Flag |
SCF | Secured Compact Flash |
SCF | South Canterbury Finance (New Zealand) |
SCF | Save the Children Fund (UK) |
SCF | Standard Cubic Foot |
SCF | Standard Conversion Factor (economics) |
SCF | Skin Cancer Foundation |
SCF | Supply Chain Finance (economics) |
SCF | Sectional Center Facility (3-digit Zip Code prefix) |
SCF | Setting Captives Free (Medina, OH ministry) |
SCF | Singapore Canoe Federation |
SCF | Service Control Function (ITU-T; ETSI) |
SCF | Services to Children and Families (Oregon) |
SCF | St. Croix Falls |
SCF | Scottsdale Municipal Airport (Arizona) |
SCF | Sahara Conservation Fund (est. 2004) |
SCF | System Control Facility |
SCF | South Central Farmers (cooperative) |
SCF | Seasonal Climate Forecast |
SCF | System Control Fair (Japan) |
SCF | Save the Children Federation (Westport, Connecticut) |
SCF | State Compensation Fund |
SCF | Subcutaneous Fat |
SCF | Statement of Cash Flow |
SCF | Stress Concentration Factor (physics) |
SCF | Special Care Facility (various locations) |
SCF | Social Capital Formation |
SCF | Sequenced Compatibility Firing (US NASA) |
SCF | Santander Consumer Finance (Netherlands) |
SCF | Saint Croix Falls (Wisconsin) |
SCF | Satellite Control Facility |
SCF | Solid Concrete Floor |
SCF | Science Computing Facility |
SCF | Scottish Crofting Foundation |
SCF | Student Christian Fellowship |
SCF | Services for Children and Families |
SCF | Sport-Club Freiburg (Germany) |
SCF | Safe Communities Foundation |
SCF | Scottish Council Foundation |
SCF | Standard Competition Form (US Army) |
SCF | Scottish Coastal Forum |
SCF | Sustainability Challenge Foundation |
SCF | Surface Crack in Flexure |
SCF | Sterling Correctional Facility |
SCF | Structured Commodity Finance |
SCF | Self-Caught Flight |
SCF | Singapore Chess Federation |
SCF | Smart Card Forum |
SCF | Simplified Cash Flow |
SCF | Second Chance Fund (various locations) |
SCF | Spring Creek Forest (Texas) |
SCF | Scientific Computing Facility |
SCF | Solution Corporate Finance Limited (UK) |
SCF | Student Computing Facility |
SCF | Springfield Community Federation (Springfield, IL) |
SCF | Supply Chain Forum |
SCF | Suriname Conservation Foundation |
SCF | Subsystem Control Facility (Tandem) |
SCF | Support Carrier Force (US Navy) |
SCF | Sportscardforum |
SCF | Self-Clinching Fastener |
SCF | Skycamefalling (band) |
SCF | Shochiku CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System)/Fox (media) |
SCF | Spartan Christian Fellowship |
SCF | Service Catholique des Funérailles (French: Catholic Funeral Service) |
SCF | Spectral Comparator Facility |
SCF | Scientific Computing Facilities (Boston University) |
SCF | Square Cubic Feet |
SCF | Shared Channel Feedback (wireless communication) |
SCF | Stanley Climbfall (album title) |
SCF | Spinal Cord Fluid |
SCF | Statistical Computing Facility (Berkeley) |
SCF | Switch Capacitor Filter |
SCF | Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund (EU) |
SCF | Self Contained Facility |
SCF | Service Control Facility |
SCF | Sport Club Feyenoord (Dutch football club) |
SCF | Sector Competitiveness Framework (Canada) |
SCF | Synchronization and Convergence Function |
SCF | Single Crystal Fiber |
SCF | Stanford Computer Forum |
SCF | Supervisory and Control Function |
SCF | Statistical Collection File |
SCF | System Communication Function |
SCF | Standard Change Form |
SCF | Scheduled Change Factor |
SCF | Sloan Christian Fellowship |
SCF | Shared Control with Feedback |
SCF | Surplus Cash Flow |
SCF | Shipment Conditions File |
SCF | Sample Coordination Facility |
SCF | Safety Critical Function |
SCF | System Control Factor |
SCF | Sinusoidal Current Filament |
SCF | SABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture) Chartered Foundation Certificate (information security) |
SCF | Systems Control Facility |
SCF | Swedish Casting Federation |
SCF | Senators Community Foundation (Darien, CT) |
SCF | Sheffield Children First |
SCF | Selective Call Fowarding (Bellcore) |
SCF | Shared Computer Facility |
SCF | Steel Converter Furnace |
SCF | Storage Capability File |
SCF | Software Change Form |
SCF | Supercontinuum Fiber |
SCF | Société Civile Foncière (French: Civil Society Land) |
SCF | SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Cards Framework (regulatory system to harmonize payment cards across Europe) |