SRVStevie Ray Vaughan
SRVService Record (DNS)
SRVSan Ramon Valley
SRVSafety Relief Valve
SRVStyling Research Vehicle
SRVSports Recreation Vehicle
SRVSafety Research Vehicle
SRVSocialist Republic of Vietnam
SRVSubmarine Rescue Vehicle
SRVService Corporation (funeral company; stock symbol)
SRVSimian Retrovirus
SRVSocial Role Valorization (Wolf Wolfensberger's The Principle of Normalization in Human Services)
SRVThe School in Rose Valley (Rose Valley, PA)
SRVSmudge Resistant Vinyl (mouse pads)
SRVSport Recreation Vehicle
SRVSemiregular Variable (astronomy)
SRVSpecialisti in Radiologia Veterinaria
SRVSociété des Régates de Vannes (French: Regatta Society of Vannes; Vannes, France)
SRVStrasbourg Roller Vitesse (French: Strasbourg Speed Skating; Strasbourg, France)
SRVSaddle River Valley
SRVSpecial Reconnaissance Vehicle
SRVStore Receipt Voucher
SRVStorage and Retrieval Vehicles
SRVSequential Response Vector
SRVSaint-Rémy Vittel (French sports club)
SRVSecurity and Reconnaissance Vehicles
SRVSystem Requirement Verification (design phase)
SRVSubmersible Rescue Vehicle
SRVSurveillance Restoral Vehicle
SRVSewer Relief Vent
SRVStorage Ring Viewer (computing)