Acronym | Definition |
TCM | Turner Classic Movies (TV cable channel) |
TCM | Traditional Chinese Medicine |
TCM | Transmission Control Module (automotive) |
TCM | Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (German: Traditional Chinese Medicine) |
TCM | Texas Chainsaw Massacre (movie) |
TCM | Targeted Case Management (health care systems) |
TCM | Trinity College of Music (UK) |
TCM | Teledyne Continental Motors (Mobile, AL) |
TCM | Total Club Manager (gaming) |
TCM | Treasury and Cash Management |
TCM | The Color Morale (band) |
TCM | Teaching Children Mathematics |
TCM | Transceiver Module (electronics) |
TCM | Trellis-Coded Modulation |
TCM | Thompson Creek Metals Company (stock symbol; also seen as TCMC) |
TCM | Throttle Control Management |
TCM | Task Concurrency Method |
TCM | Tivoli Configuration Manager |
TCM | Time Compressing Multiplexing |
TCM | Test Compression Multiplexer |
TCM | Tandem Connection Manager |
TCM | Transmission Control Module |
TCM | Trellis Coded Modulation |
TCM | Telephony Client Manager |
TCM | Trim Control Module |
TCM | Tivoli Compliance Manager |
TCM | Tube Condenser Microphone |
TCM | The Crystal Method (band) |
TCM | Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling |
TCM | TRADOC Capabilities Manager (US Army) |
TCM | Transportation Control Measure |
TCM | Transitional Case Management (various organizations) |
TCM | The Contemporary Museum (Hawaii) |
TCM | Two Component Model |
TCM | Toronto City Mission (Toronto, Canada) |
TCM | Trajectory Correction Maneuver |
TCM | Travel Cost Method |
TCM | Treasury Constant Maturity (US Treasury; also seen as CMT) |
TCM | Tightly Coupled Memory (ARM CPUs) |
TCM | Thousand Cubic Meters |
TCM | Technology Change Management |
TCM | Time Compression Multiplexing |
TCM | The Computer Museum (Boston, MA) |
TCM | Tandem Connection Monitoring |
TCM | Thermal Conduction Module |
TCM | Tongjitang Chinese Medicines Co. (China) |
TCM | Temperature Control Module |
TCM | The Control Machine (software) |
TCM | Two-Component Mixture (molecular biology) |
TCM | Thin Client Manager (software) |
TCM | Transactional Content Management (software) |
TCM | Transaction Cost Model |
TCM | Town Council Minutes (various locations) |
TCM | Technical Consultation Meeting |
TCM | Technical Committee Meeting |
TCM | Tunneling Current Microscopy |
TCM | Terry C. McInturff (guitars; Sanford, NC) |
TCM | Thomas Crosbie Media (Ireland) |
TCM | Trade Control Measures |
TCM | Trench Coat Mafia |
TCM | Technology Council of Maryland |
TCM | Tropical Cyclone Model (oceanography) |
TCM | The Corporate Machine (game) |
TCM | Time Critical Manufacturing |
TCM | Treasury Capital Market |
TCM | Total Content Management |
TCM | Tucson Children's Museum |
TCM | Therapeutic Community Model (rehabilitation) |
TCM | Transmission Congestion Management |
TCM | Technology, Communications, Media (various companies) |
TCM | Thrust Control Malfunction (avionics) |
TCM | Triglycérides à Chaîne Moyenne |
TCM | Total Carbonaceous Material (chemistry) |
TCM | Toshiba Consumer Marketing Corporation |
TCM | Traffic Control Materials |
TCM | Total Customer Management |
TCM | Time Compression Multiplexer |
TCM | Transportation Carrier Management (logistics; various organizations) |
TCM | Trajectory Correctable Munition |
TCM | Transportation Construction Management |
TCM | Transformational Communications MILSATCOM (Military Satellite Communications) |
TCM | Targeted Communication Management (Canada) |
TCM | Telecommunications Manager |
TCM | Troop Cookie Manager (Girl Scouts) |
TCM | Team Collaboration Manager (File Net) |
TCM | Technical Coordination Meeting |
TCM | Teck Cominco Metals (Canada) |
TCM | Torpedo Countermeasures |
TCM | Tchibo Certified Merchandise (German branding) |
TCM | Trillion Cubic Meter |
TCM | Théâtre du Chenal-du-Moine |
TCM | Texas Citrus Mutual |
TCM | Timing Control Module |
TCM | Tokyo College of Medico-Pharmacotechnology (Tokyo, Japan) |
TCM | Traveling Class Mark |
TCM | Toyo Carrier Manufacturing Co. Ltd (Japanese forklift manufacturer) |
TCM | The Class Menagerie (online comic strip) |
TCM | Très Court Métrage (French: Very Short Film) |
TCM | Total Configuration Management (Ecora) |
TCM | Total Crop Management |
TCM | Technical Content Manager |
TCM | Total Corrective Maintenance |
TCM | Toxic Chemical Munitions |
TCM | Telecommunications Manual |
TCM | The Candle Mandate |
TCM | Temperature Control Model |
TCM | Transportation Concurrency Management |
TCM | Total Crew Model |
TCM | Tan Chong Motor Sdn Bhd |
TCM | Training Centre Manager |
TCM | Theater Construction Manager |
TCM | TransCanada Midstream (pipeline) |
TCM | Texas County Mutual (State Farm Insurance company in Texas) |
TCM | Total Compagnie Minière (French: Total Mining Company) |
TCM | Test Control Message |
TCM | Total Communication Mix |
TCM | The Connection Monitor |
TCM | Tactical Cruise Missile |
TCM | Tactical Contact Manager |
TCM | Teletype Control Module |
TCM | Topic Coherence Model(ing) |
TCM | Total Control Master (3Com) |
TCM | Tax Corporate Model |
TCM | Tension Control Mechanism |
TCM | Telephone Control Manager |
TCM | Telecommunications Control Manager |
TCM | Tool Control Manager |
TCM | Text Comprehension Monitoring (psychology) |
TCM | Total Control Management |
TCM | Twin Cartridge Machine |
TCM | Toxic and Chemical Materials |