Acronym | Definition |
AIF | American Indian Foods (est. 1998) |
AIF | Annual Information Form |
AIF | Argumenty I Fakty (Russian: Arguments and Facts; newspaper) |
AIF | Apoptosis-Inducing Factor |
AIF | Australians in Film |
AIF | Australian Imperial Force (name of the Australian Army WWI & WWII) |
AIF | Asian Infrastructure Fund (various locations) |
AIF | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen (German: Federation of Industrial Research Associations) |
AIF | Accredited Investment Fiduciary |
AIF | Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie (French: Intergovernmental Agency for Francophony) |
AIF | Application Integration Framework (Microsoft Dynamics) |
AIF | Associated Industries of Florida |
AIF | Application Integration Framework |
AIF | Audio Interchange File |
AIF | Alberta Ingenuity Fund (Canada) |
AIF | Auto Increment Field (computing) |
AIF | Anti-Iraqi Forces |
AIF | Ambulance Inflation Factor |
AIF | Arterial Input Function (clinical diagnostics) |
AIF | Attribute Inheritance Factor |
AIF | Access Industry Forum (trade associations) |
AIF | Audio Interchange Format (file extension) |
AIF | Argument Interchange Format (abstract model) |
AIF | Attorney in Fact |
AIF | Airport Improvement Fee (Canada) |
AIF | Agence Internationale de la Francophonie |
AIF | Area Investment Framework (UK) |
AIF | Atomic Industrial Forum |
AIF | America India Foundation |
AIF | Adobe Image Foundation (software) |
AIF | Air Interface (telecommunications) |
AIF | Association des Industries Ferroviaires (French: Railway Industry Association) |
AIF | Animal Industry Foundation |
AIF | Adult Interactive Fiction (game) |
AIF | A-Interface (GSM Signal Interface Between BSC and MSC) |
AIF | aortic-iliac-femoral |
AIF | Arbejderbevægelsens Internationale Forum (Danish: Labor Movement International Forum) |
AIF | Authorised Investment Fund |
AIF | Australian Infantry Force |
AIF | Analog Interface |
AIF | Alliance Internationale des Femmes (French) |
AIF | Assistance Information Form (US FEMA) |
AIF | ATHENA (Advanced Technologies for Interoperability of Heterogeneous Enterprise Networks and Their Applications) Interoperability Framework (EU) |
AIF | Army Industrial Fund |
AIF | Analytical Imaging Facility (Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University; Bronx, NY) |
AIF | Automated Installation Intelligence File |
AIF | Automated Intelligence File |
AIF | Assured Isolation Facility |
AIF | Association des Industriels de France (French: Manufacturers' Association of France) |
AIF | Atheists in Foxholes |
AIF | Association of Inter Church Families (Ireland) |
AIF | Airborne, Inhabited, Fighter (military aviation) |
AIF | Association des Ingénieurs Forestiers (French: Association of Forest Engineers) |
AIF | All in Fee |
AIF | Agent Interoperability Facility |
AIF | Automated Installation File |
AIF | Alternative Investments Forum |
AIF | Ariya Imperial Force (gaming community) |
AIF | Auxiliary Information File |
AIF | Associate Injury Frequency |
AIF | Aides Individuelles à la Formation (French: Individual Aid for Training) |
AIF | Army Installation File (US Army) |
AIF | Atomic Industries Forum |
AIF | Air Intelligence Force |
AIF | Atomic International Forum |
AIF | AgInput Finance |
AIF | Avionics Integrated Fuzing |
AIF | Air Inlet Filter |
AIF | Army Industrial File |
AIF | Al-Imdaad Foundation (South Africa) |
AIF | Advertising In Focus (Canada) |