RREReaction Rate Equation
RRERed Ribbon Express (India)
RREResidual Recovery Entry
RREResidential Real Estate
RRERailroad Earth (band)
RRERed Rock Eater (News Service)
RREResponsible Reporting Entity (US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
RRERoad Race Engineering
RRERisk Reduction Event
RRERemote Roof Easy
RRERise-And-Run-Length Encoding
RRERemote Radio Equipment
RREReinheim-Reichelsheimer Eisenbahn (German railway)
RRERoyal Radar Establishment (Great Britain)
RRERéseau Rural d'Education (French: Rural Education Network)
RRERégime de Retraite des Enseignants (French: Teachers' Retirement Plan; Canada)
RREReference Reviews Europe
RRERegressive Resistive Exercise (occupational therapy)
RRERev/Rev Responsive Element (genetics)
RREReed Relays and Electronics (reed switch manufacturer; India)
RREReduced Regular Expression
RREReimagine Reinvent ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning; Towaco, NJ)
RRERotary Retraction Engine
RRERiparian Restoration Experiment (habitat management study; Australia)