Acronym | Definition |
RRI | Rights and Resources Initiative |
RRI | Radio Romania International |
RRI | Rotman Research Institute |
RRI | Reverse Route Injection |
RRI | Raman Research Institute |
RRI | Reverse Route Injection (routing process) |
RRI | Radio Republik Indonesia (Indonesian national radio station; est. 1945) |
RRI | Resource Renewal Institute |
RRI | Robarts Research Institute |
RRI | Risk Reduction Index (DARA International) |
RRI | Riverside Research Institute |
RRI | Recumbent Riders International (cycling) |
RRI | Renal Research Institute (USA) |
RRI | Research Reactor Institute |
RRI | Régime de Retraite Individuel (French: Individual Pension Plan; Canada) |
RRI | Rainforest Rescue International |
RRI | Route Relay Interlocking (railway signaling) |
RRI | Residential Recycling Initiative |
RRI | Resona Research Institute (Japan) |
RRI | Rhein Ruhr International (German engineering company) |
RRI | Rick Ross Institute (cults) |
RRI | Regional Return Initiative (now part of MARRI) |
RRI | Response Resource Inventory |
RRI | Response to Request for Information |
RRI | Recognition Research, Inc. (Blacksburg, VA; est. 1989) |
RRI | Race Relations Institute (Fisk University; Nashville, TN) |
RRI | Resource Reservation Interval |
RRI | Reverse Rate Indication |
RRI | Railroad Inspections (VRE) |
RRI | Recognition Research International |
RRI | Range Response Improvement (marksmanship) |
RRI | Ready for Roll-out and Implementation |
RRI | Remote Radio Interface |
RRI | Risk Reduction Interval |
RRI | Ryan Research International (research and publishing organization; Chico, CA) |