SOMASouth of Market Street (area in San Francisco, CA, USA)
SOMASystem Open Market Account
SOMASharing of Ministries Abroad (USA)
SOMAService Oriented Modeling and Architecture
SOMASpecial Operations Medical Association
SOMAService Oriented Modeling and Architecture (IBM)
SOMAStatus of Mission Agreement (US DoD)
SOMASociety of Martial Arts ( Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
SOMAStudent Osteopathic Medical Association
SOMASummary of Map Actions (US FEMA)
SOMASonoma County Mycological Association (Northern California)
SOMASociety of Open-Minded Atheists and Agnostics (University of Kansas)
SOMASex Offender Management Assistance Program
SOMASociedad Oncológica de Madrid (Madrid Oncology Society)
SOMAService-Oriented Management Architecture (computing)
SOMASchool Of Massage Arts (Nixa, MO)
SOMASoutheastern Orientation and Mobility Association
SOMASaurashtra Oil Millers' Association
SOMASouthern Ontario Model United Nations Assembly
SOMASwarm of Mapping Automatons (robotics)
SOMASelf-organized Magnetic Array Media
SOMASite Owners Managers Alliance
SOMAStrait of Messina Association (Italy)
SOMASupport Optomechanical Assembly
SOMASecond Order Multiple Access
SOMASelf-Oscillating Mixer Array
SOMASignal Organization Mission Assignment (US Army)