Acronym | Definition |
SOMA | South of Market Street (area in San Francisco, CA, USA) |
SOMA | System Open Market Account |
SOMA | Sharing of Ministries Abroad (USA) |
SOMA | Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture |
SOMA | Special Operations Medical Association |
SOMA | Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture (IBM) |
SOMA | Status of Mission Agreement (US DoD) |
SOMA | Society of Martial Arts ( Worcester Polytechnic Institute) |
SOMA | Student Osteopathic Medical Association |
SOMA | Summary of Map Actions (US FEMA) |
SOMA | Sonoma County Mycological Association (Northern California) |
SOMA | Society of Open-Minded Atheists and Agnostics (University of Kansas) |
SOMA | Sex Offender Management Assistance Program |
SOMA | Sociedad Oncológica de Madrid (Madrid Oncology Society) |
SOMA | Service-Oriented Management Architecture (computing) |
SOMA | School Of Massage Arts (Nixa, MO) |
SOMA | Southeastern Orientation and Mobility Association |
SOMA | Saurashtra Oil Millers' Association |
SOMA | Southern Ontario Model United Nations Assembly |
SOMA | Swarm of Mapping Automatons (robotics) |
SOMA | Self-organized Magnetic Array Media |
SOMA | Site Owners Managers Alliance |
SOMA | Strait of Messina Association (Italy) |
SOMA | Support Optomechanical Assembly |
SOMA | Second Order Multiple Access |
SOMA | Self-Oscillating Mixer Array |
SOMA | Signal Organization Mission Assignment (US Army) |