Acronym | Definition |
SDS | Students for a Democratic Society (radical political organization of the 1960s) |
SDS | Safety Data Sheet |
SDS | Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (also seen as NaDodSO4; anionic detergent) |
SDS | Software Defined Storage (computing) |
SDS | Seven Deadly Sins |
SDS | Self Directed Search |
SDS | State Department of Statistics (various organizations) |
SDS | Sustainable Development Strategy |
SDS | Serial Device Server (computing) |
SDS | Sudden Death Syndrome |
SDS | Sozialistische Deutsche Studentenbund (German: Socialist German Student Union) |
SDS | Sustainable Development Solutions (various organizations) |
SDS | Student Disability Services |
SDS | Special Delivery Service |
SDS | System Design Specification |
SDS | Secure Data Storage (software) |
SDS | Specific Data Systems |
SDS | Short Data Service |
SDS | System Data Set |
SDS | Spatial Data Services |
SDS | Serial Data Stream |
SDS | Switched Digital Service |
SDS | Shared Data Set |
SDS | Sysops Distribution System |
SDS | Secure Data Services |
SDS | Sub Division Surface |
SDS | Secure Document Service |
SDS | Sun Directory Services |
SDS | Scientific Data Systems |
SDS | Storage Domain Server |
SDS | Space Data Systems |
SDS | Self Defining Data System |
SDS | Switched Data Service |
SDS | Shared Data Services |
SDS | Synchronous Data Set |
SDS | Satellite Data Service |
SDS | Star Dot Star |
SDS | Simultaneous Double Sided |
SDS | Simple Data Service |
SDS | Science Data Set |
SDS | Stockwatch Data Service |
SDS | Sample Dump Standard |
SDS | Standardized Data Set |
SDS | System Dynamics Society (mathematics) |
SDS | Spartanburg Day School (Spartanburg, SC) |
SDS | Strategic Defense System |
SDS | Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome |
SDS | Spring Dead Spot (bermudagrass) |
SDS | Standard Deviation Score |
SDS | Slovenska Demokratska Stranka (Slovenian Democratic Party) |
SDS | Self-rating Depression Scale (Zung) |
SDS | Sydney Diocesan Secretariat (Australia) |
SDS | Steel Detailing Software (various companies) |
SDS | Software Design Solutions |
SDS | Sample Dump Standard (MIDI) |
SDS | Switched Data Service (FTS2000) |
SDS | Srpska Demokratska Stranka (Serb Democratic Party, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
SDS | Semantic Differential Scale (connotative meanings) |
SDS | Shy-Drager Syndrome |
SDS | Sybron Dental Specialties (various locations) |
SDS | Sustainable Design Solutions (Europe) |
SDS | Same Day Surgery |
SDS | Skills Development Scotland (UK) |
SDS | Siemens Data Suite (software) |
SDS | Safe Delivery System |
SDS | Software Development Services (Sprint) |
SDS | Smart Distributed System |
SDS | Strategic Deployment Stocks |
SDS | Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (US HRSA) |
SDS | Seventh Day Slumber (band) |
SDS | Service Development Strategy (UK) |
SDS | Self Drilling Screw |
SDS | Software Design Specification |
SDS | Software Development System |
SDS | Standard Depot System |
SDS | System Description Section |
SDS | Satellite Data System |
SDS | Secure Destruction Services (various companies) |
SDS | Site Data System (US Department of Energy) |
SDS | Subsurface Disposal System (various locations) |
SDS | Social Democracia Sindical (Spanish: Social Democracy Association) |
SDS | Software Delivery System |
SDS | Suspect Detection Systems Ltd. (Israeli security company) |
SDS | Staff Development Section (various organizations) |
SDS | Special Direct System (Drills) |
SDS | Self Defense System |
SDS | Strana Demokratického Socialismu (Party of the Democratic Socialism) |
SDS | Scheme Development Standards (UK) |
SDS | San Diego Society (California) |
SDS | Senior and Disabled Services (various locations) |
SDS | Surveillance Direction System |
SDS | Some Day Soon (Mount Airy, Maryland horse farm) |
SDS | Smart Data Strategies, Inc (Franklin, TN) |
SDS | Splitted-Desktop Systems (France) |
SDS | Shock Dampening System (boots) |
SDS | Samsung Data Systems (old name of Samsung SDS) |
SDS | Small Dog Syndrome (behavior) |
SDS | Service Development Studio (Ericsson) |
SDS | Sorbent Decontamination System |
SDS | Save Disney Shows (website) |
SDS | Some Day Soon (band) |
SDS | Symantec Database Security (software) |
SDS | Systems Development & Solutions (France) |
SDS | Saudi Dental Society (est. 1981) |
SDS | Showa Denko Singapore |
SDS | Slot Data System (casino) |
SDS | Stochastic Diffusion Search |
SDS | Slotted Drive Shaft (drills) |
SDS | Service Data Sheet |
SDS | Source Data System |
SDS | Sanitation Deficiency System |
SDS | Smart Document Solutions, LLC (Alpharetta, GA) |
SDS | Sozialistischer Studentenbund (Socialistic Students Union; in the 1960s) |
SDS | Service Delivery Support |
SDS | Service Delivery Summary (Department of Defense Contracts) |
SDS | Slug Detection System (Cybernetix) |
SDS | Salsa Dance Squad |
SDS | Satellite & Digital Services Limited (UK) |
SDS | Successful Delivery Skills (UK) |
SDS | Stop. Drop, 'n Skank (band) |
SDS | Scottish Dermatological Society |
SDS | Subdivision and Damage Stability |
SDS | Shop Data Systems (Garland, TX) |
SDS | Society of the Divine Savior, Salvatorians (religious order) |
SDS | Spatial Data Server |
SDS | Star Delta Starter |
SDS | Self Defining Structure |
SDS | Slater Drive Systems |
SDS | Software Development Standard |
SDS | Somatotropin Deficiency Syndrome |
SDS | Skills Development Services |
SDS | Steck Dreh Sitz (drill bit, German) |
SDS | Software Development Site |
SDS | Simoco Digital Systems |
SDS | Space Defense System |
SDS | Space Data System |
SDS | Social and Decision Science |
SDS | Silver & Deming Shank (drill bit) |
SDS | Schnell Drilling System |
SDS | Squad Dynamics System (Turok: Evolution game) |
SDS | Science Data Store |
SDS | Slurry Delivery System |
SDS | Space Division Switch |
SDS | Socijaldemokratska Stranka Slovenije (Social Democratic Party of Slovenia) |
SDS | Submission Domain Standards |
SDS | Software Development Specification |
SDS | Strategic Data System |
SDS | Small Digital Switch |
SDS | Senior Drill Sergeant |
SDS | Stored Data Smooth |
SDS | Satellite Delay Simulator |
SDS | Shut Down Sequence |
SDS | So Darn Sexy (polite form) |
SDS | Shared Data Server |
SDS | Szociáldemokrata Unió (Latvian: Social Democratic Union) |
SDS | Structured Design System |
SDS | System Delivery Specification |
SDS | Secure Digital Switch |
SDS | Shipboard Data System (US Navy) |
SDS | Seattle Divorce Services (Washington law firm) |
SDS | SIGINT Data Server |
SDS | Square Drive System (Roberson) |
SDS | Societatis Divini Salvatoris (Latin: Society of the Divine Savior) |
SDS | Simposio en Desarrollo de Software |
SDS | Superior Decontamination System |
SDS | Shutdown Sequencer |
SDS | Sales Decision Support |
SDS | Scientific Data Systems Incorporated |
SDS | Signals Dispatch Service |
SDS | Sustainment Data System |
SDS | SHF DAMA Standard |
SDS | Specific Digit String trigger (Sprint) |
SDS | Shareware Distribution System |
SDS | Style Definition Syntax |
SDS | Supply Depot System |
SDS | Simulated Distressed Submarine |
SDS | Sonet Directory Service (SIF) |
SDS | Site & Date Schedule |
SDS | Staff Development Summary |
SDS | Sierra Delta Sierra (gaming) |
SDS | SafeDesk Server (Safedesk Solutions) |
SDS | Score-Driven Synthesis |
SDS | SafeDesk Solutions |