Acronym | Definition |
SBE | Small Business Enterprise |
SBE | State Board of Education |
SBE | State Board of Elections |
SBE | Social, Behavioral, and Economic (Sciences) |
SBE | Small Business Edition (Microsoft) |
SBE | Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis |
SBE | State Board of Equalization |
SBE | Society of Broadcast Engineers |
SBE | School of the Built Environment (Edinburgh, Scotland) |
SBE | Seat Belt Extender (various companies) |
SBE | Smart Basket |
SBE | Small Business Edition |
SBE | Solutions Builder Express |
SBE | Screen Based Equipment |
SBE | Sound Blaster Emulation |
SBE | Sbus Buffered Ethernet |
SBE | Single Bit Error |
SBE | Standard Base Excess |
SBE | Society for Business Ethics |
SBE | Single-Bit Error |
SBE | Standards Based Education |
SBE | Simple Binary Encoding (computer programming) |
SBE | Self Breast Exam |
SBE | Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc (Bellevue, Washington) |
SBE | Standard British English (UK) |
SBE | Steve Brown Etc. (radio show) |
SBE | Sustainable Built Environments (architecture; Australia) |
SBE | School Based Experience (teacher education) |
SBE | Supply Base Engineer (various locations) |
SBE | Small-Bowel Endoscopy |
SBE | Service-Based Enumeration |
SBE | Single Base Extension |
SBE | School-Based Evaluation |
SBE | Significant Barrier to Employment (veterans) |
SBE | Stream Buffer Engine |
SBE | Student Book Exchange (various schools) |
SBE | Single Best Estimate |
SBE | Stay Behind Equipment |
SBE | Surface Boundary Exosphere |
SBE | Strength-Building Exercises |
SBE | South By East |
SBE | Single Byte Extension |
SBE | Sporadic Bovine Encephalomyelitis |
SBE | Small Business Exchange, Inc |
SBE | Strong Bad E-Mails (cartoon) |
SBE | Satellite Broadcasting Equipment |
SBE | S-Band Exciter |
SBE | Simple Boolean Expression |
SBE | Single Below Elbow (amputation) |
SBE | Standby Engines (ships telegraph) |
SBE | Serial Bit Error |
SBE | Synthetic Battlespace Environment (modeling and simulation) |
SBE | Switchboard Engineer |
SBE | Serikat Buruh Es (Indonesia Ice Workers Union) |
SBE | Solar Beam Experiment |
SBE | Symmetric Bayes Estimation |