Acronym | Definition |
SBI | Special Background Investigation |
SBI | State Bank of India |
SBI | Sustainable Business Initiative (various organizations) |
SBI | Small Business Intelligence (Australia) |
SBI | Siberia Airlines (ICAO code) |
SBI | School of Business and Information Systems (Vocational Training Council; Hong Kong) |
SBI | Site Build It (websites) |
SBI | Secure Border Initiative |
SBI | Serious Bodily Injury |
SBI | Screening and Brief Intervention (addiction questionnaire) |
SBI | Small Business Institute |
SBI | Solutions for Business Intelligence (software) |
SBI | Small Business Initiative |
SBI | Synchronized Byte Identifier |
SBI | Sound Blaster Instrument File |
SBI | Subtract Immediate with Borrow |
SBI | Storage Bus Interconnect |
SBI | Subsidiary Body for Implementation |
SBI | Standards-Based Instruction (education) |
SBI | Sovereign Bancorp, Inc. (Pennsylvania) |
SBI | Society of Breast Imaging |
SBI | State Board of Investments (Minnesota) |
SBI | Site of Biological Importance (UK) |
SBI | Small Business International (est. 1991) |
SBI | South Bend, Indiana |
SBI | Shelf Basin Interactions |
SBI | Stockholm Brain Institute |
SBI | Serious Bacterial Infection |
SBI | School of Business and Industry (Florida A&M University) |
SBI | Specialist in Business Information |
SBI | Sexual Behavior Inventory (study) |
SBI | State Bureau of Investigations |
SBI | Sustainable Business Institute (California) |
SBI | Silent Brain Infarct |
SBI | State Building Inspector (Connecticut) |
SBI | Smith Bagley, Inc. (New Mexico) |
SBI | Safeco Business Insurance (Liberty Mutual Company) |
SBI | Science Based Industry |
SBI | Sound Blaster Instrument |
SBI | Space-Based Interceptor |
SBI | Scanned Beam Imager |
SBI | Service Brands International (various locations) |
SBI | Spare Backup, Inc. (Minden, NV) |
SBI | Sports Business Initiative (various organizations) |
SBI | Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia |
SBI | Serial Bus Interface |
SBI | Smart Bomb Interactive (video game developer; Salt Lake City, UT) |
SBI | Swiss Banking Institute (University of Zurich; Switzerland) |
SBI | Strategic Business Intelligence (South Africa) |
SBI | Surrounded by Idiots (fansite) |
SBI | School-Based Initiative (various locations) |
SBI | Springfield Business Incubator (Springfield Technical Community College; Massachusetts) |
SBI | Shorebank International Ltd. (Chicago, Il) |
SBI | Sustainable Business International, LLC (Seattle, Washington) |
SBI | Synthetic Blood International (various locations) |
SBI | Self-Billing Invoice |
SBI | Strategic Business Initiatives |
SBI | Sports Business Institute (University of Southern California) |
SBI | Systems Business Integration (Bermuda) |
SBI | Suku Bunga Bi |
SBI | St. Brendan's Isle Mail Forwarding Service |
SBI | Sub- Boreal Interior (Canada) |
SBI | Steel Boiler Institute |
SBI | Small Bowel Injury (medical) |
SBI | Skull Base Institute |
SBI | Scaleable Bandwidth Interconnect |
SBI | Single Burn Item (test) |
SBI | Short Baseline Interferometer |
SBI | Solutions Backwards Initiative (Year Zero alternate reality game) |
SBI | Sub-Bitstream Indicators |
SBI | Shiftwork Benchmarking Institute |
SBI | Significant Bacterial Infection |
SBI | Spread-Betting Index |
SBI | Spring Bible Institute |
SBI | Short Block of Instruction |
SBI | Suspected Border Intruder |
SBI | Side air-Bag Igniter |
SBI | South-Bound Interface |